May Movies, Part I!

Alright so here is a selection of movies from May… there will be more in a future entry!

Video, May 10th
Grandma Sue arrives at the airport! To see this video, click here.

Video, May 11th
I had no idea that Nina could use a “Sit n’ Spin” but apparently she can and is quite good at it! To see this video, click here.

Video, May 14th
Nina shows off her climbing prowess, and Ian talks about butts. To see this video, click here.

April Videos

Catch-up time! I’ve got a lot of updates lined up, so let’s go!

Video, April 4th
Nina and I sliding down a slide. Very short, cute. To see this video, click here.

Video, April 7th
Nina doing the hokey pokey… or is that the hokie pokie? To see this video, click here.

Video, April 8th
Long cute compilation of videos with Gramma Marcia and Grampa Dave, set to some music! Good one, click! To see this video, click here.

Video, April 10th
April 10th, Nina wore her chef costume upstairs, and then came back downstairs. I know this sound boring, but something really cute happens with the over-sized hat. Cute. Watch! To see this video, click here.

Video, April 22nd
Ian plays more video games… pretty cute. He says something about “Thunderbirding” in this one, which is a term he made up after watching the Thunderbirds, a show Uncle Chris and I used to watch when we were wee lads. To see this video, click here.

Video, April 30th
It isn’t Mommy’s birthday, but… well… there you go. Welcome home, Mommy! To see this video, click here.

March Movies, Part III

Here are the final March videos, and then we’re onto April!

Video, March 18th
I’m not even sure what’s going on here, but she’s so sweet! I think she can see herself and she’s just having fun with the viewfinder! To see this video, click here.

Video, March 19th
Sometimes we get a glimpse of Ian the teenager. To see this video, click here.

Video, March 19th
I know this isn’t technically supposed to be funny. Oh get over it. To see this video, click here.

Video, March 21st
The hokey pokey, check it out! To see this video, click here.

Video, March 24th
Nina does the dishes. Don’t worry, we washed them again! 😉 To see this video, click here.

Video, March 26th
Ian learns to play SSX, a snowboarding game of extreme complexity. He still manages to pull off a really good game! Ian’s a sweet kid. To see this video, click here.

March Movies, Part II

Some additional March movies…

Video, March 13th
At a trip to Grampa Dave and Grandma Marcia’s, Ian and Nina put on a bit of a magic show for us. Ian loved the limelight, and he’s put on several magic shows for us since… This one was great, there’s another in May that’ll crack you up. To see this video, click here.

Video, March 14th
Sometimes I provide a soundtrack for our adventures featuring the sound/word “DUN DUN!” To see this video, click here.

Video, March 15th
I could watch this on a loop all day for some reason. It is like she’s experimenting with the Doppler effect. To see this video, click here.

Video, March 17th
Nina shows off her color-naming prowess at a local park. Listen carefully for her to say “Another (red) one” and something like “blue… two blues…” To see this video, click here.

Video, March 17th
The drive home from the park, I let the windows stay open and dropped it into third gear to see the effect on Nina’s hair. You’ll hear her giggle when I hit the right speed. Note that I don’t do this very often at all, and was very careful. To see this video, click here.

March Movies

Here comes our March movies at last.

Video, March 3rd
This video shows Nina double-checking Mommy’s order of a glass of water. Might not make sense, but the cute bit is Nina’s quick spins. You’ll see! Click! To see this video, click here.

Video, March 3rd
Same day, I try to get Nina to say “You’re welcome.” Instead she tells me that she played with Mia. Oh, just click. To see this video, click here.

Video, March 7th
Watch Nina shoot a small plastic gizmo, reload it, and shoot again three times in about the time it would take most people to do it once. The impish giggles are great! To see this video, click here.

Video, March 9th
Nina and Ian running in a circle and counting… To see this video, click here.

Video, March 9th
Nina doing all the parts of a knock knock joke all at once! To see this video, click here.

Video, March 12th
All I’ll say is, there’s a reason Ben Kenobi didn’t give Nina a lightsaber. Also, see what static does to our little girl’s hair! To see this video, click here.

Audio, March 12th
Nina singing “Wheels on the bus!” To hear this audio, click here.

Rounding Out February

Audio, February 25th
I turned this video into audio to save a little room, as the image is unnecessary. To hear this audio, click here.

Video, February 26th
Daddy reads Nina “BigLittle” with a lot of questions. This is a long video, might take a bit to download. To see this video, click here.

That’s it for February, will we ever catch up?!?

Yet More February Movies

Video, February 14th
This is a video I took just pointing my camera at the television while we played a special video game. Before you skip this because it sounds horrible, trust me, this is kind of cute… you can SEE the kids on the screen. To see this video, click here.

Video, February 16th
The night before Mommy’s triumphant return to our home, Nina decided to try and say grace. Listen for “Sawd (God) ess grate, thank him for our food our food.” The video is out of sync with the audio a bit here, sorry. To see this video, click here.

Video, February 17th
On the 17th, we met Mommy at the airport! To try this video, click here.

Video, February 24th
Our neighbors next door invited us to Brendan’s birthday party, and Ian, Nina and I had a blast! I mentioned before that there was something I wanted you to see, and that’s Nina climbing to go down the slide, check it out! To see this video, click here.


Hi! I could use some help testing this on different devices. Give it a click and tell me what you think versus the old format, ok? If you have any complaints, let me know ASAP. Why change? This format should be usable on all iPads and iPhones, and looks pretty darn nice too!


EDIT – Tested on my Mac computer, works great! Tested on iPhone, works great! (It even scales up by itself on the iPhone!) Tested on iPad, works great! Alright, people on Windows, get clickin’ on the link above, please! I hope it works, I’m lovin’ this format!

January Audio and Videos

Alright, so here comes a couple nice clips from January, before we truly bid it adieu and move on to February.

Video, January 16th
Click here to see what’s on the menu for Nina’s picnic. (EDIT — Melissa says that Nina is saying “Snack time!” at the beginning and ending of the video. I am inclined to agree! (But not inclined enough to edit the video. :-\ ))

Video, January 22nd
Click here to watch a short video taken by Grampa Dave of Nina clomping happily across the floor like a baby gazelle testing her agility.

Audio, January 31st
Click here to listen to this audio clip. Now here’s the deal. Nina picked up my iPhone, navigated to the voice recording app, started it recording, and made this recording. That she did this in the first place, is jaw-dropping. She watched me do this, but I did not specifically show her how to do this. What makes it even more incredible is what I believe she says on the recording. “Hear my voice? Yeah.” Melissa said she doesn’t quite hear that… and that may be. It is so crazy that she said that, I’m wondering if I’ve forgotten sometime that I DID show her how it all works.

I’m Not Even Sure…

Video, January 7th
Click here to watch… well alright you’ll pretty much be seeing a video of me (Daddy) being a goofball — we’re not sure what this video is, but I know the kids crack up whenever they see it.

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