April Videos

Catch-up time! I’ve got a lot of updates lined up, so let’s go!

Video, April 4th
Nina and I sliding down a slide. Very short, cute. To see this video, click here.

Video, April 7th
Nina doing the hokey pokey… or is that the hokie pokie? To see this video, click here.

Video, April 8th
Long cute compilation of videos with Gramma Marcia and Grampa Dave, set to some music! Good one, click! To see this video, click here.

Video, April 10th
April 10th, Nina wore her chef costume upstairs, and then came back downstairs. I know this sound boring, but something really cute happens with the over-sized hat. Cute. Watch! To see this video, click here.

Video, April 22nd
Ian plays more video games… pretty cute. He says something about “Thunderbirding” in this one, which is a term he made up after watching the Thunderbirds, a show Uncle Chris and I used to watch when we were wee lads. To see this video, click here.

Video, April 30th
It isn’t Mommy’s birthday, but… well… there you go. Welcome home, Mommy! To see this video, click here.

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