
The words Mama, Dada, Kee (kitty), Ight (light), and ilk (more…)

Did you just see that? First steps!

Melissa and I were playing with Ian shortly after daycare (more…)

First Halloween!

I’ll be honest, it was miserable! Cold, wet, and rainy, (more…)

Swinging, Jumping and Taking a Stand

Thanks to Grandma Marcia and Grandpa Dave for transporting the (more…)

First shiner

Ian fell over on a little toy bin that we (more…)

Picture This

Aided by something of the right height as a “walker” (more…)

Taking a stroll

Grandpa Dave and Grandma Marcia also visited in September, here’s (more…)

Where’s the Update?

Wow, time has flown, and so little time to update (more…)

Ma ma!

We’ve decided to make it official… on the evening of (more…)

His Mission, Should He Choose To Accept It…

…is to do all kinds of cool stuff in one (more…)