And then there was February. Time really does go by exponentially. I wish there was a way to slow it right down to nothing, sometimes.
February 4th, and you’re looking at one of Nina’s favorite puzzles. She loves playing with puzzles and she’s really quite good at them! See this image larger.
February 5th… Ian and Nina working on one together. Actually now that I look more carefully, they’re working on as many as three! See this image larger.
February 5th, and it was the day of the big game. Uncle Chris would have loved the game, it was a close one, and the Giants pulled off a very fitting miracle win! He also would have loved this shot, I’d think. It does make me a little sad that we didn’t do anything like this while Chris was alive… but I’m not sure we ever would have, without knowing our time together would be cut short. Was the onus on me to get Ian and I involved in the team Chris loved? Maybe. The kind of questions I’ll take with me wherever I go. See this image larger.
Thanks to Aunt Melanie and Uncle Ben for these jerseys, it was very cool to be able to wear these for the big game! See this image larger.
’68, the year Uncle Chris was born! A great number for our jerseys! See this image larger.
From time-to-time, Ian still says that we should sit down and watch football. I think he just wants to watch TV with me. I’m looking forward to the two of us watching anything with equal interest. Has that happened? Yes. We’ll talk about that in a couple entries. You’re wondering what that expression is on my face? Satisfaction: A nice beer. A great football game honoring my bro. A beautiful family. See this image larger.
Ian drew this picture, and we taped it in the front window. It says “Go Giants” and has a picture of a football (at the top) and a set of uprights on the left. 13:20:072012-03-15 13:20:07February, and a Miraculous Superbowl
Hi! I could use some help testing this on different devices. Give it a click and tell me what you think versus the old format, ok? If you have any complaints, let me know ASAP. Why change? This format should be usable on all iPads and iPhones, and looks pretty darn nice too!
EDIT – Tested on my Mac computer, works great! Tested on iPhone, works great! (It even scales up by itself on the iPhone!) Tested on iPad, works great! Alright, people on Windows, get clickin’ on the link above, please! I hope it works, I’m lovin’ this format!
Alright, so here comes a couple nice clips from January, before we truly bid it adieu and move on to February.
Video, January 16th Click here to see what’s on the menu for Nina’s picnic. (EDIT — Melissa says that Nina is saying “Snack time!” at the beginning and ending of the video. I am inclined to agree! (But not inclined enough to edit the video. :-\ ))
Video, January 22nd Click here to watch a short video taken by Grampa Dave of Nina clomping happily across the floor like a baby gazelle testing her agility.
Audio, January 31st Click here to listen to this audio clip. Now here’s the deal. Nina picked up my iPhone, navigated to the voice recording app, started it recording, and made this recording. That she did this in the first place, is jaw-dropping. She watched me do this, but I did not specifically show her how to do this. What makes it even more incredible is what I believe she says on the recording. “Hear my voice? Yeah.” Melissa said she doesn’t quite hear that… and that may be. It is so crazy that she said that, I’m wondering if I’ve forgotten sometime that I DID show her how it all works. 16:30:022012-03-14 16:30:02January Audio and Videos
February, and a Miraculous Superbowl
And then there was February. Time really does go by exponentially. I wish there was a way to slow it right down to nothing, sometimes.
Hi! I could use some help testing this on different devices. Give it a click and tell me what you think versus the old format, ok? If you have any complaints, let me know ASAP. Why change? This format should be usable on all iPads and iPhones, and looks pretty darn nice too!
EDIT – Tested on my Mac computer, works great! Tested on iPhone, works great! (It even scales up by itself on the iPhone!) Tested on iPad, works great! Alright, people on Windows, get clickin’ on the link above, please! I hope it works, I’m lovin’ this format!
January Audio and Videos
Alright, so here comes a couple nice clips from January, before we truly bid it adieu and move on to February.