And then… two great loves that came together in one awesomeness, a train and a cake! This feat was brought to us and created by Grandma Marcia, and it was as neat as it was delicious… could this little boy bait attract Ian? See this image larger.
Now would be a great time to play the Jaws theme by John Williams if you have it handy. See this image larger.
“Surely it would do no harm for me to smell that cake a little bit, right?” See this image larger.
Like one might sample a bottle of fine wine, Ian nabs a quick cake topping to see if this is going to be as good as he thinks it will be… See this image larger.
A phrase commonly used on the web these days whenever a “bite” is involved: NOM NOM NOM NOM. See this image larger.
Nothing says “happy” like a mouth full of cake! 🙂 Thanks Gramma Mahshah!!! See this image larger. 21:11:032009-05-03 21:11:03Grampa Dave and Grandma Marcia Play Easter Bunny, Part II
Grampa Dave and Grandma Marcia (or Grampa Dafe and Gramma Mahshah as Ian is currently pronouncing) arrived perfectly on time on Easter morning, April 12, 2009… but Pastor Riley went a bit long at church, so Ian, Melissa and I ended up being a little late to our own house! This turned out to be a bit of a good thing, as the Easter bunny had hidden a number of eggs around the front yard! (Video of this to follow in the 3rd part of our latest Easter expose.)
Ian did not need to be reminded that eggs hold things. Good things. In fact he developed a bit of a technique with them… Step 1. Hold the egg like so… See this image larger.
Marcia applauds and Mommy looks surprised as Ian blows his first solo non-spit bubble. (By which I mean, I believe this is the first time he dipped a bubble wand into bubble juice, removed it, and successfully aimed a gust of breath to create a bubble. I know, we’re stretching for firsts here… lol!) See this image larger.
Ian’s been getting into golf a lot lately… he had me watch a game the other day. (Brian Gay’s recent 10 stroke victory, don’t recall the name of the event, but it was fun.) Here Grampa Dave gives Ian a few pointers! See this image larger. 16:55:022009-04-30 16:55:02Grampa Dave and Grandma Marcia Play Easter Bunny, Part I
On April 9th the bunnies hid in an elaborate castle. Someday you’ll see video of how quickly Ian destroyed this castle… suffice to say it was faster than the time it took for this image to appear on your screen! See this image larger.
A little bleary eyed from dunking his own head in the tub to blow some bubbles! See this image larger.
Here’s Ian on April 11th… would you believe he’s wearing a shirt that displays a monkey standing on its head? Well, I think that’s irony calling, because there’s about to be another monkey standing on his head. See this image larger.
Alright this entry was a little short, so I’m going to share something with you that happened more recently… my new email sound by Ian, recorded on April 26th! Click here to hear it! Very small download…
Grampa Dave and Grandma Marcia Play Easter Bunny, Part II
Grampa Dave and Grandma Marcia Play Easter Bunny, Part I
Grampa Dave and Grandma Marcia (or Grampa Dafe and Gramma Mahshah as Ian is currently pronouncing) arrived perfectly on time on Easter morning, April 12, 2009… but Pastor Riley went a bit long at church, so Ian, Melissa and I ended up being a little late to our own house! This turned out to be a bit of a good thing, as the Easter bunny had hidden a number of eggs around the front yard! (Video of this to follow in the 3rd part of our latest Easter expose.)
Easter Intermission
A brief pause between Easters…
Alright this entry was a little short, so I’m going to share something with you that happened more recently… my new email sound by Ian, recorded on April 26th! Click here to hear it! Very small download…