Easter Intermission

A brief pause between Easters…

On April 9th the bunnies hid in an elaborate castle. Someday you’ll see video of how quickly Ian destroyed this castle… suffice to say it was faster than the time it took for this image to appear on your screen! See this image larger.

A little bleary eyed from dunking his own head in the tub to blow some bubbles! See this image larger.

Here’s Ian on April 11th… would you believe he’s wearing a shirt that displays a monkey standing on its head? Well, I think that’s irony calling, because there’s about to be another monkey standing on his head. See this image larger.

Alright this entry was a little short, so I’m going to share something with you that happened more recently… my new email sound by Ian, recorded on April 26th! Click here to hear it! Very small download…

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