The journey started back on the fourth of September. If I remember correctly, we did alright getting out there, time-wise, and somehow we even managed to time it right for dinner. (Thank you Grandma Marcia!) If I recall, nothing much happened he first day/night we were there… so we’ll start the action on the fifth!
Sometimes all you need in life is an Elmo and a plastic wagon. And a blankie. And a chair facing the television. See this image larger.
After the necessary wake-up time, it was clearly time for the first boat ride of the trip! (Congrats Grampa Dave on the new boat… we’ll miss the “Recycle” she’s served us well!) See this image larger.
You only get a smile like this out of Ian if Grampa Dave opens up the throttle and Daddy screams “WOOHOO!!!” See this image larger.
I’d like to take this beautiful moment to say that I wouldn’t trade Ian for any kid on Earth. Shine on you crazy kiddo. See this image larger.
Ian turns his attention back to the cottage to wave at Mommy and Grandma Marcia! “Hi!” See this image larger.
We’ll pick them up and go for another boat ride next entry! 22:26:292009-09-18 22:26:29September 2009 Fawn Island Trip, Part I
Ian did extremely well at the dentist’s office today. He opened his mouth, and let Dr. Payne (I know, seriously? A pediatric dentist named “Dr. Payne?”) get a good look around. Didn’t bite. Cooperated fully. It was beautiful to watch.
Mostly it looks like everything’s going to be fine, as usual it is that whole “but keep an eye on it” kind of thing.
I have all kinds of photos and stuff to update the blog with shortly, hopefully soon. “Hectic” does not come close to describing things right now, I apologize. 16:30:162009-09-17 16:30:16A Chip off the ol’ Tooth, Part II
Ian had already been having a pretty lousy day. He hadn’t had much sleep, for one thing… Mommy decided to take him for a ice cream to see if that would help; he apparently misstepped while trying to be a nice boy and throw something out… he tripped, fell on his face, smooshed his lip, and chipped his tooth a little. Ian’s not eating anything tonight, he’s very upset and in a bit of pain… everybody’s nerves are a little frayed around the edges, but we’re hanging in there. At this point we’re pretty much praying that he falls asleep and wakes up tomorrow feeling good enough to be able to eat, he couldn’t really get his lips around a straw without balling. We managed to get a little milk in his tummy by letting him drink like a big boy and putting a little bit of flavor in the milk so that he would sort of get through the pain for the sake of more.
I’ve got a bowl of Cheerios soaking in milk right now in the fridge for the morning. 19:52:032009-09-15 19:52:03A Chip off the ol’ Tooth
September 2009 Fawn Island Trip, Part I
The journey started back on the fourth of September. If I remember correctly, we did alright getting out there, time-wise, and somehow we even managed to time it right for dinner. (Thank you Grandma Marcia!) If I recall, nothing much happened he first day/night we were there… so we’ll start the action on the fifth!
We’ll pick them up and go for another boat ride next entry!
A Chip off the ol’ Tooth, Part II
Ian did extremely well at the dentist’s office today. He opened his mouth, and let Dr. Payne (I know, seriously? A pediatric dentist named “Dr. Payne?”) get a good look around. Didn’t bite. Cooperated fully. It was beautiful to watch.
Mostly it looks like everything’s going to be fine, as usual it is that whole “but keep an eye on it” kind of thing.
I have all kinds of photos and stuff to update the blog with shortly, hopefully soon. “Hectic” does not come close to describing things right now, I apologize.
A Chip off the ol’ Tooth
Ian had already been having a pretty lousy day. He hadn’t had much sleep, for one thing… Mommy decided to take him for a ice cream to see if that would help; he apparently misstepped while trying to be a nice boy and throw something out… he tripped, fell on his face, smooshed his lip, and chipped his tooth a little. Ian’s not eating anything tonight, he’s very upset and in a bit of pain… everybody’s nerves are a little frayed around the edges, but we’re hanging in there. At this point we’re pretty much praying that he falls asleep and wakes up tomorrow feeling good enough to be able to eat, he couldn’t really get his lips around a straw without balling. We managed to get a little milk in his tummy by letting him drink like a big boy and putting a little bit of flavor in the milk so that he would sort of get through the pain for the sake of more.
I’ve got a bowl of Cheerios soaking in milk right now in the fridge for the morning.