Because Melissa, Ian and Nina scooted out of town to Ohio during the Easter weekend, some packages and cards were not opened until after the fact. Thank you everybody for sending great stuff! I’ve got to get a bunch of pictures off of Melissa’s laptop so that the Ohio journey’s story can be told!
In the meanwhile, here’s the post-welcome home party images — these were all taken on the 7th of April.
Me – “Look it says ‘Ian.'” Ian- “Can you get this sticker offa here?” See this image larger.
He was so excited to open the packages, he left his shoes on and ran into the house. See this image larger.
The big hit was this egg with a spring-loaded top. Much time was spent scaring each other with the pop-up peep. What do you think of his shirt? Apparently Ian’s daycare doesn’t consider his foray into the art of pudding Expressionism worthy of a change into the fresh clothes we provide each and every day. shrug. See this image larger.
Did I mention this was a hit? *pop!* (Shirt cleaned up via Photoshop.) See this image larger.
Everybunny needs some bunny to… you know I can’t even finish it. How does Hallmark write this stuff? We think we might have heard the strained screech of a near laugh yesterday, by the way. And you should see Nina smile these days! I’ll get some more pictures up here ASAP. For now, to bed! See this image larger. 23:47:222010-04-16 23:47:22A Bit More Easter
ROCKFORD, MI – Rockford area resident Nina Chapman received a surprise today while belly-down on her parent’s bedroom floor.
“It was very strange… ” Nina observed. “I sort of moved to my right in a rolling fashion, and suddenly my back was stuck to the floor, and the ceiling was underneath me.”
She claims the entire room spun, apparently hard enough to push her against the floor while the ceiling was below her, some 10-12 feet distant. When her mother put her back on her belly, everything returned to normal. But then it happened again.
Witnesses claim the incidents have been blown out of proportion – “She just rolled over,” said Seth Chapman, the family cat. Two excited witnesses, claiming to be Nina’s parents, seemed to think this news was particularly awesome. “Hooray!”
However, the fact that this disturbance could happen again at any time haunted Nina’s thoughts. “It is the kind of thing that sticks with you. One day everything below you is carpet, and then boom. Change. Have you seen that ceiling fan? I’m not Indiana Jones, you know… still, it was kind of fun. I might do it again.” 10:29:442010-04-15 10:29:44News Bulletin: Entire Room Swivels Around Baby
Nina’s Baptism
June 13th, 2010, 10am
Mark your calendars, please!
A Bit More Easter
Because Melissa, Ian and Nina scooted out of town to Ohio during the Easter weekend, some packages and cards were not opened until after the fact. Thank you everybody for sending great stuff! I’ve got to get a bunch of pictures off of Melissa’s laptop so that the Ohio journey’s story can be told!
In the meanwhile, here’s the post-welcome home party images — these were all taken on the 7th of April.
News Bulletin: Entire Room Swivels Around Baby
ROCKFORD, MI – Rockford area resident Nina Chapman received a surprise today while belly-down on her parent’s bedroom floor.
“It was very strange… ” Nina observed. “I sort of moved to my right in a rolling fashion, and suddenly my back was stuck to the floor, and the ceiling was underneath me.”
She claims the entire room spun, apparently hard enough to push her against the floor while the ceiling was below her, some 10-12 feet distant. When her mother put her back on her belly, everything returned to normal. But then it happened again.
Witnesses claim the incidents have been blown out of proportion – “She just rolled over,” said Seth Chapman, the family cat. Two excited witnesses, claiming to be Nina’s parents, seemed to think this news was particularly awesome. “Hooray!”
However, the fact that this disturbance could happen again at any time haunted Nina’s thoughts. “It is the kind of thing that sticks with you. One day everything below you is carpet, and then boom. Change. Have you seen that ceiling fan? I’m not Indiana Jones, you know… still, it was kind of fun. I might do it again.”