Nina got done feeding off of mommy today and said “I’m aww dun.” Normally I’d call that pretty impossible, but I heard it and looked over at Melissa with my eyebrows up, and Melissa said did she just say… And then together Melissa and I said at the same time “I’m all done?”
Nina also waved hello a few times.
Nina may or may not have said dada.
Two days ago she may have done the sign language for more.
September 12th – Ladies and gentlemen, some of the best pictures that exist of my lovely wife and two beautiful children. I declare this one pretty awesome. See this image larger.
Although Nina looks cute as a button in this one, peeking through Mommy’s feeding cover! See this image larger.
Later that same day, Ian gives Colonial Sanders a run for his money. See this image larger.
Our ice cream parlor in town has taken the magic of blue moon and added different colored chunks of cookie dough. Take sugar, add sugar, swirl. Delicious! See this image larger.
BONUS VIDEO! On September 12th, this video shows Nina somewhat crawling toward Mickey Mouse. Click here to see the video!
. 13:21:172010-10-23 13:21:17September, Part IV
Melissa and I married for nine years! Love you, Sweetie!
Also September 8th, Ian seems to know his letters pretty good, so I asked him to write his name. A couple different pictures are included here… I think he did pretty awesome, can you kinda see it? See this image larger.
Ian fell against a gate, scratching his bum… He burst into tears and between sobs reassured me “I’m ok daddy I’m ok” and only cried harder. Later he claimed that Nina kicked the gate into the way, but that she had “said sorry already.”
Ian – “Daddy looked up the storm on his iPad and thunder is going to hit our house!”
Me – “Ian do you hear the kitty right now, he sounds a lot Iike you because you are being whiny.”
Ian – “That’s because the kitty didn’t say ‘please.'”
Ian – “That’s something you put under your arm and it counts to five. It tells you if you are sick and it is called a therbometer.” (While pointing at a thermometer.)
I made this, and I’m posting it here for you to enjoy. Ian called it “Mommy’s car” because it apparently looks like a Prius. See this image larger. 23:25:242010-10-13 23:25:24September, Part III
Nina did extremely well with the anesthesia, and we were relieved. The MRI technician would just need to look through the images and find out what the anomaly was! The waiting game begins anew! (This picture taken at breakfast after the procedure, still on September 3rd… we appreciate the break that our help let us have!) See this image larger.
At home and on 5 different drugs. Nobody’s happy about the latter part, everybody’s happy she’s home. See this image larger.
Thanks for taking this one Grampa Dave, a picture of me and the two kids is a rare one! Plus I love that we’re all playing with my iPad. See this image larger.
(September 5th, Nina had her first peas, I’m pretty sure.)
On September 7th Melissa called me at home to tell me she had the results, (and eventually the report) on the MRI… there was no anomaly to be found in her brain. They looked specifically at that area to try to find it, and there was nothing. I couldn’t believe my ears. I prayed hard for this one — and most of you know I don’t wear my faith on the outside — but thank you, God… we needed that one pretty bad. 22:49:262010-10-11 22:49:26September, Part II
September, Part IV
THIS IS POST #500!!!!
On September 11th, Nina tried applesauce
Notes for September 12th:
September, Part III
September 8th, Nina ate squash.
Melissa and I married for nine years! Love you, Sweetie!
I made the following notes on September 9th…
September, Part II
(September 5th, Nina had her first peas, I’m pretty sure.)
On September 7th Melissa called me at home to tell me she had the results, (and eventually the report) on the MRI… there was no anomaly to be found in her brain. They looked specifically at that area to try to find it, and there was nothing. I couldn’t believe my ears. I prayed hard for this one — and most of you know I don’t wear my faith on the outside — but thank you, God… we needed that one pretty bad.