September 25th – Grandma Barb reads a story to Ian. Ian ponders the deeper meanings of “Corduroy.” Believe it was the next day that Grandma Barb and Grandpa Ray headed home. Thanks again for visiting and helping us out! See this image larger.
Sometimes feathery white wings, sometimes little red horns. I think you know what I’m saying here. 😉 See this image larger.
Notes from around this time period, the 26th of September:
Ian – “Kiss me because I like kisses.” (Said just like I typed it, no pausing…)
Ian piloted a spaceship at the landing of our steps, with our feet further up the stairs like real astronauts. That’s pretty awesome for three.
Ian has taken a real interest in space. He begs to watch NASA tv on my iPad which includes some of the most boring stuff there is. He likes watching the one about the International Space Station because it has zero gravity and a rocket that “blastoffted.” He used to ask me to watch a simulator of the space shuttle taking off, and his favorite book lately is puzzle planet, a space adventure that Greg handed down from Jake. I hear a rocket has already been purchased for Christmas, though… Just sayin’.
We discovered ninas first tooth today! (September 26th)
Our trip to the park was pretty horrible on September 28th, thanks to two busloads from an area Christian High School who showed up and beat the heck out of the equipment that is meant for 50 pound kids. See this image larger.
Daddy (calmly) – “What do i have to do to get the message across to you, Ian?”
Ian – “Yell at me?”
Daddy feels bad rest of said day.
At the dinner table, I was explaining something that happened earlier in the day to Melissa —
Daddy – “And then we bonked heads… And I yelled because it surprised m-”
Ian – “Excuse me, excuse me…”
Daddy – “… it surprised me and…”
Ian – “Excuse me, Daddy.”
Daddy – “Yes, Ian?”
Ian – “It was an accident and we just bofth need to say sorry to each other.”
Daddy (looking at Mommy) – “Would you listen to him? He’s THREE! Can you believe this kid? (turning to Ian…) You’re right, Ian, Daddy’s sorry.”
Ian – “I’m sorry too.”
Daddy – “I love you, kiddo.”
Ian – “I love you too and I love mommy and Nina… and the kitty.”
The next entry will be another pulled from it’s original publishing date to maintain the timeline, and that will also end our September entries. 20:17:492010-10-27 20:17:49September, Part VIII
September 23rd, the timeline got pretty messed up in previous entries, I tried to fix it. Somewhere in there I hope I mentioned that Grandma Barn and Grampa Ray flew into town to help us with Ian and meals and whatnot during Nina’s surgery. We’ve had to rely pretty heavily on grandparents, friends, neighbors and more this year… I can’t say thank you enough but that won’t stop me from trying. Thank you! See this image larger.
On this day Nina definitely crawled. No doubt about that one.
Here’s some notes from around this date (September 23rd) that will give you an idea of what has been said recently by our crazy kids:
Ian showed up at the side of our bed two nights ago, standing, but completely asleep – a silhouette of a head and shoulders with a blanket… When we dragged him into our bed he talked incoherently for a few moments, in partial syllables. Much later in the evening he blurted out “those are pictures, those are not videos,” while he was still dreaming… this is something I say to I’m when were looking at pictures on my computer and he wants a photograph to spring into action.
Me – “Ian do you know your street address for the new house?”
Ian – “No.”
Me – “two two four arbor.”
Ian – “two two awbow.”
Me – “two two FOUR.. And it is on arbor.”
Ian – “awbow.”
Me – “arbor.”
Ian – “awbow.”
Me – “What does a pirate say?”
Ian – “Arrrrrrr!”
Me – “What do you say when you are cold?”
Ian – “Burrrrrr.”
Me – “Ok now say both of those together.”
Ian – “Arrrrrrr burr?”
Me – “Perfect.” (proud smile.)
Tv character – “…and I’m still in my pajamas, do you wear pajamas?”
Ian – “Yes!” Ian says excitedly and happily. Then he looks down and realizes he’s in his clothes. Looks a little perplexed and disappointed…. Goes back to watching show.
Grandma Barb – “What do you want for lunch?”
Ian – “PeanutButterNJellyAndAPieceOfCarrotCake!” (remembered from night before)
Words maybe we’d rather he forgot include “bahmma” and “poopy.” I’m not sure what bahmma is but it is more the way he uses it. Example: “You are a bahmma.”
Her tongue had been feeling out those gums a whole lot those days and even more when this post was written in October. I bet you can guess why! See this image larger. 22:47:092010-10-26 22:47:09September, Part VII
It is funny listening to her breathe now… you can tell she’s sort of testing out the new plumbing. She’s doing really well… there’s a host of medications that she’s going to have to take going out five days or so — one is twice a day for the next month!
Alright I wanted to spread the good news that Nina is ok, before going back to getting us caught up, prepare for a bunch of daily updates that start back in July! (NOTE – obviously this last note refers to when this post was originally published.) 02:45:372010-10-25 02:45:37Nina’s First Surgery, Part II
September, Part VIII
Notes from around this time period, the 26th of September:
Notes for September 28th –
The next entry will be another pulled from it’s original publishing date to maintain the timeline, and that will also end our September entries.
September, Part VII
On this day Nina definitely crawled. No doubt about that one.
Here’s some notes from around this date (September 23rd) that will give you an idea of what has been said recently by our crazy kids:
Nina’s First Surgery, Part II
NOTE – This post was originally published on September 22, 2010 at 11:09pm. I’ve moved it so that it falls in line with the rest of the timeline.
Here’s some pics from Melissa’s phone!
It is funny listening to her breathe now… you can tell she’s sort of testing out the new plumbing. She’s doing really well… there’s a host of medications that she’s going to have to take going out five days or so — one is twice a day for the next month!
Alright I wanted to spread the good news that Nina is ok, before going back to getting us caught up, prepare for a bunch of daily updates that start back in July! (NOTE – obviously this last note refers to when this post was originally published.)