Nina’s First Surgery, Part II

NOTE – This post was originally published on September 22, 2010 at 11:09pm. I’ve moved it so that it falls in line with the rest of the timeline.

Here’s some pics from Melissa’s phone!

Daddy and Nina, pre op… note the never-ending march of Daddy’s receding hairline. See this image larger.

Mommy and Nina, pre op See this image larger.

Daddy and Nina, post op. See this image larger.

It is funny listening to her breathe now… you can tell she’s sort of testing out the new plumbing. She’s doing really well… there’s a host of medications that she’s going to have to take going out five days or so — one is twice a day for the next month!

Alright I wanted to spread the good news that Nina is ok, before going back to getting us caught up, prepare for a bunch of daily updates that start back in July! (NOTE – obviously this last note refers to when this post was originally published.)

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