So, Halloween night! A lot of work led up to this evening, so if this sounds a little self-congratulatory, I apologize. There’s certainly a little pride showing through. If you click here you can see an image from a little bit ago, when Ian was peeling apples. In the foreground is a plastic package that contains a food Nina eats called “puffs.”
I traced out lines using a stack of books and a marker, then used scissors to cut the puff containers to size. See this image larger.
I grabbed an LED “road flare” style flashlight and pressed it through loops that I cut into one of the puff containers… this made an almost complete “laser” armband for Buzz’s right arm. For his left I took the other puff container and put it inside of yet another. I cut open a door and added some shiny stickers for Buzz’s left armband, where he has a communicator. When I found neon lime-green duct tape, I knew we were pretty much there. I ended up putting two “bracelets” of bubble wrap on each arm so that the armbands easily fit his skinny forearms. See this image larger.
Seeing as I had plenty of duct tape to spare, I added some highlights to Ian’s ordinary sneakers. I did this quietly downstairs in my office and when I was done put them by the front door without any of the other bits I had created. I knew something went right there as well as soon as I heard Ian exclaim “BUZZ LIGHTYEAR SHOES!!!” from halfway across the house. See this image larger.
Ian’s inflatable wings looked great, but I thought they needed something a little more… a couple LED lights on watch batteries stuffed into water resistant gumball machine toy capsules did the trick. (I kept the dinosaur toy for myself until it is less of a choking hazard for Nina.) Add a little velcro and boom, done.
All I need now for Buzz Lightyear to be complete is a cute kid in his cousin’s costume. See this image larger.
And where’s my other cute kid? Hey! Halloween for creepy, no for sleepy! See this image larger.
Alright, everybody have costumes on? Look at that cute little kitty back there! See this image larger.
Ian was very proud of his costume, and I was proud to tell anybody who gave me a chance how the armbands were made… the range of comments went from “Good Dad!” to “Sounds like you’ve got too much time on your hands!” See this image larger.
We discovered very quickly that our new neighborhood was just too popular for us to be able to trick or treat as a family. Melissa was kind enough to man the door and bowl back at home while I paraded Ian around. Next year I promise to realize that I’m being selfish, and trade spots… sorry! See this image larger.
Back at home from a long walk, everybody was pretty exhausted. Buzz took off his wings and was pretty much ready for a treat and bedtime — I pushed for one more picture, thus I have this one of two miserable kids. Which reminds me, we actually ran out of treats! Next year we’ll be more prepared! Happy Halloween everybody! See this image larger.
From my notes:
Ian – Where is the book the one with the cars not the real cars but the one with the wheels that don’t go round and round.
These are some additions I made to earlier entries… I’ll delete later after we’ve all read it.
October 20th Nina cut her 2nd tooth.
From my notes:
We were waiting in the parking lot of the bank, Ian, Nina and I…
Ian – Whars mommy buying in the bank?
Me – Shes getting money
Ian – It says money up there. See? Mon eee.
Me – Lol that actually says something else. “Western Union.”
Ian – uh nnn ehh ah nnn.
Me – GOOD BOY!!! (You may not understand that, but that’s him using phonetics to sound out the word “Union.” It means he’s one step closer to reading.)
I told Ian he was being a backseat driver at one point.
He then recounted a story Grampa Dave told us about weeks earlier wherein the differing size of his trucks had led him to be a literal backseat driver for a few moments.
Ian and I started our jack-o-lantern design with a pumpkin and the latest in hyper expensive computer-aided drafting to create a face compelling and haunting at the same time. See this image larger.
Usually I try to do a little better than this, but so much effort went into Ian’s costume that I ran out of time. It was nice to let Ian do a lot of the work though, he loved it. See this image larger.
You’d think between this smile and having permission to make a great big mess that Ian would love doing every aspect… See this image larger.
Halloween Night, 2010
So, Halloween night! A lot of work led up to this evening, so if this sounds a little self-congratulatory, I apologize. There’s certainly a little pride showing through. If you click here you can see an image from a little bit ago, when Ian was peeling apples. In the foreground is a plastic package that contains a food Nina eats called “puffs.”
From my notes:
Disposable Entry
These are some additions I made to earlier entries… I’ll delete later after we’ve all read it.
October 20th Nina cut her 2nd tooth.
From my notes:
Halloween Morning