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Episode IX


Inktober 2019, Part II – Can I make it to November?

Inktober 2019, Part I – probably should have gone to art school

Thoughts on Episode 8

SPOILERS AHOY. Don’t read this unless you’ve seen the movie.

It was good. It bordered on great.

Let’s start with what I loved.

Failed plans, as a theme. Act to act this movie let the characters fail over and over. It is refreshing to experience in a Star Wars movie, and it also shows what happens as balance is lost in the universe. In fact, I can’t really think of a plan that was a complete success for the characters; while the best laid plans in previous episodes, no matter how impossible, always seemed to succeed. Star Wars felt more more real than ever in this way.

I loved that Rey sent a rock tumbling when she messed up during lightsaber training. (In Episode VII she was infallible and perfect. Never a misstep. Good at everything.)

I loved that Kylo hesitated in blowing up the control room on Leia’s ship. I loved that the pilots next to him did not hesitate.

The B-Wing as a beefy bomber was awesome. It looked cool and felt right. There’s a purpose for that shape now. Also, that whole scene with trying to knock the detonator down the ladder was thrilling and well executed.

Artoo was barely in the film, but the moment that he was on screen was possibly the most endearing moment of the Star Wars series, honestly. I was seven and forty-seven at the same time, and choking up as both.

Rey was a badass when she needed to be, and the Kylo/Rey thing was handled nicely. I loved that Kylo turned on Snope, and that Snope died was great, mostly because it really shakes this up from following previous trilogies. I loved that Kylo has many new reasons to go much further down the dark side path and will be a slick villain for Ep 9; rage unshackled.

Unexpected turns happened throughout… and some of that is reflected below in what I didn’t like. Yet I am delighted to have been surprised, so maybe take those bad points with a grain of salt.

And now the stuff I didn’t like so much:

Leia Lives.
Leia died in a way that was not grandiose but was fitting and humble. Thrown from her command craft into the cold vacuum of space was a shock…  I don’t know what to say other than I was good with it. But then she lived. She lived and without Jedi training pulled herself back to the ship… and she looked for all the world like she did so with the special effects magic of something as old as Mary Poppins. If somebody in the audience has pulled out a slide-whistle I would have laughed all day long.

If it were up to me, I would have left her dead. She’s not in too many more scenes in the movie after that, and with Carrie now dead they obviously need to kill Leia off… the best thing to do would have been that she died there and then.


The slowest car chase in space.
This is something I enjoyed as a plot device… but I need to watch it again to see what the excuse was. Why did the rebel ship take so long to destroy? I don’t get it. Whatever the excuse, it needed to be more visible. I’m remembering a nebula or something in Rebels that they used as an excuse to sneak up on another ship. This would have been better… introduce some environmental hazard that made this situation unusual – the radiation was so bad that it caused a certain effect that was draining both the chaser and target? It just felt like the characters were like
“Remember? We can’t destroy that one because reasons.”
“Yes, of course.”
“Mmm-hmm that not-blowing-up-stuff problem again.”
“Righto. Onward then.”


Luke Projects Himself.
It isn’t that I minded this. I loved that his costume and hair changed to match Kylo’s last impression of what Luke looked like. Well done. However – why? He dies anyway at the end of the film, so this clever ruse feels like it is without purpose. That said, it points out one more failed plan in the film, which I enjoyed: The plan was to get Luke off that island; they never did pull that off.


Very Convenient Explosion.
I didn’t like that Finn and Rose somehow were freed from capture without a shot fired thanks to the explosion from what I believe was Laura Dern’s character’s actions. Finn just woke up and it was like “oh look, the bad guys are dead, awesome!” Then BB-8 comes out of nowhere, controlling an AT-ST to save them a second time. WHY? The better way to handle this would have been to show BB-8 finding his way closer to the AT-ST while Finn and Rose were being tortured. Have BB-8 start the rescue and decimate most of the evil army, forcing what’s left to cover. Finn and Rose run for it, but THEN the explosion, and it just makes the escape harder. That way it is just capture and escape… not capture/escape/re-captured/re-escape. Hard to explain, it is just this level of editing that the film could really have used.


Otherwise, well done. It was cool that there was always some crazy objective and that there were many of them. No big death ball to blow up, just a bunch of smaller death objects. There were enough in the film to make it feel like these objects were each threats without being the ONE threat of the movie.





Rogue One, Star Wars Zero

I want to start by saying I loved The Force Awakens, and that it is rife with some of the same things I complain about in Rogue One. The Force Awakens is not a perfect movie, and it obviously imitates other Star Wars movies to a fault… but it is still a good Star Wars movie. I’m going to use The Force Awakens as a counter-example, but I want you to understand that I don’t think any Star Wars movie is perfect.

1.) Characters.
I cannot tell you a single character’s name in Rogue One that was introduced in Rogue One. This is not by my design, I just could not care about any of them. None of the characters left so much as a mark. Ask anybody who their favorite character was, and the vast majority of them will mention the large killer robot voiced by Alan Tudyk from Firefly. He was funny, and also the only character that seemed to have any real development over the story arc. He was also the only character that didn’t spend the whole movie sad or in prayer.  Do I know the names of the the Force Awakens’ Characters? Almost all of them, down to Finn’s Stormtrooper number. Seriously ask yourself the names of the Rogue One characters, and which was your favorite and why. Was it, “that guy that kind of sounded French that almost pulled the trigger but didn’t.” or “That guy that was a pilot. And was also scared.” Now compare that to what you know about any of the main characters from, say, Episodes IV or VII. Han Solo. Did he prefer a blaster to a light-saber? Was he religious? Favorite ship? Enjoy robots? Motivated by? Swagger much? Rich or poor? Have a companion? Is his ship fast? Is it new? And I could go on, but you see my point.

I don’t know if any of you watch “Star Wars: Rebels” the show on Disney XD? But it has brilliant characters compared to Rogue One. In fact, they should have replaced the characters in Rogue One with the characters in Rebels and you’d already have ten times the movie.

2.) Music.
I walked out at the end of The Force Awakens being able to hum Rey’s theme… and knew that when I eventually bought the soundtrack that the title of the song would actually be Rey’s theme because it was used exactly as it should be: You see Rey pull a characteristic Rey move, and boom, you hear a small variant of her music… and it flows. I recall stepping out into the brisk night after Empire Strikes Back wondering how quickly the next movie could come, while one half of my brain also thought back to Han and Leia’s theme, Yoda’s theme and The Imperial March. And I knew every note – on the very first watch! Can you hum a bar of anything from Rogue One that wasn’t pulled from Episode 4? No, I’m serious when I say this, I literally KNOW that you can’t possibly remember a single note! It was garbage!

3.) Plot.
Ugh. The opening minutes of this movie had us whisked across the galaxy back and forth and around so many times that they had to use subtitles to tell us the planet name AND give a brief description. (That’s what happens when you skip the text-crawl, I guess.)

I can’t even remember the locations very well, but there was a part with a Star Destroyer pulling out from above a city that just lost 50 Stromtroopers. No retaliation from the Empire? Just “Hey we’re leaving now, we’ll avenge you TK-427!” This was stupid but somewhat handy, because later a CGI Tarkin would ask for a test of the new Death Star… *shrug*

Everything about the beach scenes bothered me. From hastily mounded sand for cover from AT-ATs, to the amazing blind-guy with near-magical sensing ability not being able to sense the AT-ATs until they were in view… to the master switch being on a console in the middle of the beach, to the death of the blind-guy’s buddy not serving any purpose whatsoever. He could have done anything. Could have cleared a path for blind-guy so that blind guy could make it to the Master Switch. Nope.

4.) Tech and nit-picking.
Ok, so in The Force Awakens, Han comes out of light speed IN atmosphere, right? This is the kind of change in story canon that can really screw with the Star Wars Universe, but the difference is? Episode VII came after all of the others. If every movie going forward has a “come out of light speed in atmosphere” maneuver that they refer to as “the Solo.” I’m all over that. Good call.

I can nitpick all day long, but at the end of the day, as a film writer, you CANNOT go back in time to before Episode IV and have somebody do something new like go INTO light speed from IN-ATMOSPHERE without sucking the urgency, the drama, the very interest out of all the times between IV and VII that this same maneuver should have happened. I’ll start the bidding at leaving Mos Eisley spaceport… and quickly raise you to “all of the shuttles full of people trying like hell to get out of Hoth alive” that clearly would have used that maneuver, were it available.

Or what about “A large object has just dropped out of light speed” and it turns out to be the Death Star within spitting distance of the Florida planet which has a name I can’t remember. Again, call me a nitpicker if you like… but Episode IV spends 15 of the most spectacular minutes in film history getting the Death Star to finally peek around the edge of a interfering celestial body in order to get a clear shot at Yavin IV. They could have gone into LIGHTSPEED? Hell, go into light speed while the little ships are in your trench and show up on the other side of Yavin IV from that whole fleet!!! It pulls some of the weight from already established scenes. (Did you ever see the opening credits of Alien3? I was FURIOUS.)

5.) Cameos.
Loved the cameo of the two guys from the Cantina scene. It was good. They’re wanted in 5 systems. Well done. Rogue One should have stopped there.

End of the film. The Death Star shows up on the horizon and it shows up at a specific time. It shows up after the entire Rebellion leaves with the plans, but before the action on-planet has finished up. Why is that? I’ll tell you why. Because in Episode IV, nobody has seen the Death Star… they say things like “what use are snub fighters going to be against THAT thing?” and/or “Look at the size of that thing!” right? I’m not going to get into more than this, but I want you to realize that they wrote themselves into a corner with their pilot cameos, and it did not work smoothly. Think about if they hadn’t had to do this. Think about the tension that could have been had climbing up that column of data-tape holders if the Death Star had already been getting ready to fire at that point. Instead they had to use a chomping trap-door to add tension.

6.) An editor’s tears.
Ok I loved that scene where Darth Vader is taking out fools like nobody’s business at the end of Rogue One… but I want you to think about this. You saw the guy that thought up the Death Star… almost as far back as coming up with the idea. Executing the idea. Making plans for the idea. Getting the plans to his daughter. Now… up until this point, not a bad slice of film-making honestly. But did we need to see them get transmitted? Did we need to see them end up in the rebel’s hands? Did we need to see them transferred over to the actual Corvette from the beginning of Episode IV? And did we need to see them actually handed to Leia? Give the audience SOME credit that we can come up with where this was going, or skipping any of those steps between, right? Example possible ending: Whatever her name is hits “send…” Next we see a ship coming out of hyperspace with a pilot that is looking nervously at what appears to be the plans sticking out of their space backpack. As the ship comes into a space port, we see again the pilot – he/she notices something and smiles as they power down the ship and grab the plans. We pull out the camera and in the background we see the trademark corellian corvette has been waiting at the same port. Done. Yes, we can be done there.

So what DID I like.
I liked that Tarkin screwed over the main antagonist to get the Death Star project under his control. This felt like something that would happen within the Empire, and it enriched the story of IV without hurting it. Tarkin doesn’t seem to know much about the Death Star in Ep IV… now we know why! Well done.

I did like the Vader scene at the end, but he was in the film far too much. (On the flip side of that, I’m not sure why Vader sent in a small group of troops at the beginning of Episode IV as he can apparently handle clearing out such ships with ease by himself, but it was still a nice touch.)

I like that robot character whose name escapes me because I sort of have to like him by default over all of the non-characters in that film.

Visuals. The movie was a joy to look at, for the most part. If you could really turn off all of the other crap in your head, it was pretty. But, like Barbie, it was only pretty on the outside, and pretty empty on the inside.

A client that chose a poetic name under which to sell candles deserved a smart logo.

Waxpoetic Logo

She sells candles, under the name WaxPoetic. 
VistaPrint's vision of my vision.

Business Cards

I’ve been in business for about a decade without business cards, don’t you think it is about time I made some? So here they come.

VistaPrint says that they’ll look like this, but they haven’t even printed yet. Wha-? How?  VistaPrint – It’s like looking into the future.

VistaPrint’s vision of my vision.


I got a request from somebody that I consider family, who also happens to be a colleague in programming and business: Make a logo for a company that hauls water around Arizona. Their name? Dynamite Water. This was the final winner, and I'm pretty happy with it. Less is more!

Dynamite Water Identity


I did a whole lot more than this with Lilly Looking Through. Please check out the video, here.

Geeta Games: Lilly Looking Through

Supplemental Programming/Particle Effects/Level Assembly
This is a screenshot of the level loading screen, and while I did design this, most of my work on Lilly Looking Through consisted of less static elements, such as creating and implementing particle effects, programming many of the puzzles, and assembling levels from individual pieces. Some of my handiwork can be seen at the end of the following video… (at the 3:25 mark.)
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