Entries by vrbfw

June 2009 Ohio Trip, Part II

June 27th, Melissa and I awoke, pushed Ian out the bedroom door, and fell back asleep immediately. We went into recovery mode, more or less. That evening, Connor had a baseball game and Grandma Barb stayed home with Melissa so that Ian and I could go root for “the Bakers.” Ian is ready to cheer […]

June 2009 Ohio Trip, Part I

LATEST NEWS: After our appointment. Our physician was still a little hesitant to give us much of a prognosis for how things should or will go in the future, because she can’t. If you think about it, obviously any baby is a possible miscarriage. She did take Melissa off of bed-rest, give her the ok […]

June 2009 Ohio Trip, Prologue

We had a great time in Ohio seeing family, but a really tough week overall. The short of it is this… we arrived in Ohio after a long trip, and announced that Ian was going to be a big brother. Huge and awesome news. Hours later Melissa developed symptoms of a miscarriage, and we ended […]

Miscellaneous Ian

Ian is Very Trying lately. From other parents I’m hearing that we’ve got things great, but if you could see the sinister glee in his eyes as he does something you’ve told him not to do in precise and clear words a hundred times. It was enough that I picked him up the other day […]

Another Monday, Another Park with Daddy

On June 15th, it was time to get back to the Dad’s group with Ian. The destination this time was Millennium Park, which was a really nice place. This is Ian. Perhaps you’ve seen him before. See this image larger. On the way to the park, we passed the exit to the museum, and he […]

Slip Slidin’ Away

On the 14th of this month, Ian and Mommy and Daddy decided it was hot enough to get out the slip n’ slide. For some reason this hose nozzle got his attention. I know, I know, the shirt says “birthday boy” and it is the middle of June. I think Mommy was just trying to […]

DinoRoars, Part II

I do remember now on of the other recent instances of Ian’s improving communications… I asked him how his day went, and he actually told me about something that I hadn’t seen with my own eyes. You know up until recently you could ask him specific questions, and get yes/no/good/bad answers, if he understood the […]

DinoRoars, Part I

It has been funny listening to Ian’s vocabulary grow. The other day we were in the neighborhood of a few stores and Ian said he wanted to go to “A-B Giraffe.” Translated that is Toys R Us. The A-B part is short for A-B-C which he says instead of “this has letters on it” sometimes. […]


The day after Melissa got home Ian actually asked her where I was, so ingrained was our morning ritual, I guess! After about two hours of her being around, he went back to being a complete mama’s boy again. I woke up a few mornings ago to “Wake up Daddy, get pants on!” (PJ’s weren’t […]

Mister Mom, June Edition, Part IV

11:21pm Melissa has safely landed in Grand Rapids… just a taxi ride away from home sweet home! 9:41pm I’m watching Melissa’s return flight on the web… the pilot is doing a nice job of staying just ahead of a storm front blowing through parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri. Her plane is currently above Little […]

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