June 2009 Ohio Trip, Prologue

We had a great time in Ohio seeing family, but a really tough week overall.

The short of it is this… we arrived in Ohio after a long trip, and announced that Ian was going to be a big brother. Huge and awesome news. Hours later Melissa developed symptoms of a miscarriage, and we ended up in the ER. We spent many hours waiting and making ourselves sick with grief. At around 4am Melissa faced the ultrasound portion of the morning alone, or so she thought. A seemingly healthy fetus waved from the monitor, and we discovered the fetus was about 3 weeks older than we thought, around 11 weeks old.

The weekend progressed, Melissa was on bed-rest. Grandma Barb, Grampa Ray, Aunt Melanie, Uncle Ben, and Cousins Connor and Kaylee stepped up to the plate and watched, fed and entertained Ian for us while we slept, and we can’t thank them enough for that! Don’t be surprised if I mention that a few more times, we were out of energy and I don’t know what we would have done without their thoughtfulness.

We got back to Michigan, the next day got some bloodwork done, and then waited yet another day for the results. We had a scare when some hormone levels dropped in the results of the bloodwork, (but again long story short,) it turns out that a healthy ultrasound trumps said results. We had a second ultrasound here in Grand Rapids, and we were exhausted, scared, and it was a cold, grey day in July — we tried our best to have faith and were extremely thrilled to find out the baby is fine, and 12-13 weeks in development. This is according to the ultrasound tech, of course, we’ve still not spoken to our physician person-to-person. (No, not even on the phone.) We’re not happy about that. Wednesday is our appointment, I’ll update this then, hopefully our list of questions will be fully answered.

Ok, now that you’ve got some background, I will tell you how the visit with the family went with pictures, next entry!

In the meanwhile, this is the picture we planned to use to joyously announce the coming of our next child…
Big brother-to-be… we hope and hope and hope! Thanks for your thoughts, wishes, prayers and help! See this image larger.

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