Entries by vrbfw

Hot, Hot Mid-July…

July 11th, just had to take this shot… she hasn’t been taking her shoes off during a trip nearly as much as she used to, it seems. See this im age larger. July 14th, Nina put together this picnic one color-coordinated item at a time! Nice! See this image larger. Same day, the kids went […]

Where Were We? Oh Yes, The Reagan Marketing + Design Garden Gala!

July 10th, Mommy took the kids to the Reagan Marketing + Design Garden Gala. I did not get to go. I will explain why in a moment. As usual, I can only guess from photos what really happened, so you’ll have to take my captions with a grain of salt. Overall, the Gala appeared to […]

Quick Flashback to June and Early July…

I downloaded some pictures from Aunt Mel and Mommy, and so I can fill in some gaps with this entry before moving on. The day we went to the movies down in Ohio to escape from the power-free zone… we also ended up at Tuscora park over in Tuscarawas county. You might think I needed […]

I Can’t Turn Away Your Lovely Children

July 9th, woke up, got the kids dressed, and started heading for the Grand Rapids Children’s Museum! On the way there, what a sight to behold, but the north end of a cow heading south on 131. What was really strange is that my friend Brandon had posted a picture of this same cow only […]

July, The Month We Catch Up

And so begins July, wherein I’m hoping we finally catch up to present. I think we’ve been lagging behind since April of 2011. And we started this month in April of 2012… we caught up on 3 months in July! It’s been a busy life! Alright enough talk, let’s do this! July 6th, Nina looking […]

June Dialogue and Milestones

Daycare Sheet, June 1st Nina’s Caregiver: “This morning every time another kid would taker her toy she’d say “I’m gonna tell Mommy!” For art she painted a giant piece of paper. We couldn’t go outside because of the rain sow we ran laps around the room.” Daycare Sheet, June 1st Ian’s Caregiver: “Ian really liked… […]

June Audio and Video

Video, June 7th This is a pretty big video… 5MB. I kept a lot of the original footage in it because it is a blast to watch Nina reason her way through this puzzle. I even kept a bit where she gets a little hung up, because it is interesting to see what slows her […]

Campin’ with the Cousins! From June to July!

On June 28th, we piled in the car and headed south to Ohio. It was a long trip that lasted late into the night, but it was good. I’ll publish some of the songs that our magnificent children came up with along the way in an entry or two from now. We woke up on […]

Nina, Warrior Princess

Guess I got some of these slightly out of order… (Last entry actually took place partially during this entry.) You’ll get over it though, I bet 😉 On June 24th, Nina wields a deadly blade, forged through ancient craftsmanship handed down through generation after generation of… foam… making guys. See this image larger. *HIIIIIYAAA* At […]

The Run Forever Park

Douglas Walker Park is on 84th street on the south side of Grand Rapids. I call it the “Run Forever” park though because that’s what’s best about it. It is quite an expanse. June 25th, and I believe this was Nina’s second trip here. I loved this moment, as soon as we got to the […]

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