Quick Flashback to June and Early July…

I downloaded some pictures from Aunt Mel and Mommy, and so I can fill in some gaps with this entry before moving on.

The day we went to the movies down in Ohio to escape from the power-free zone… we also ended up at Tuscora park over in Tuscarawas county. You might think I needed Melissa to tell that to me. You’d be right. It may or may not have been June 30th. I think it was. See this image larger.

There’s a train ride, and a number of other rides, it is pretty impressive! See this image larger.

Guy in the back is chillin’ See this image larger.

Alright now if that’s not the cutest thing! See this image larger.

This didn’t last long, Nina wanted out of this one in a hurry! See this image larger.

That night, at Aunt Mel and Uncle Ben’s house. We did help some neighbors gather branches for a bit, but then there was some time for play. See this image larger.

Pretty nice shot… amazed this slide didn’t break! See this image large

Love this one, nice job Aunt Mel! See this image larger.

Hi Kaylee! See this image larger.

That night, we melted again into sleep! See this image larger.

Nina loved playing with this castle! See this image larger.

Just thought this one looked nice! See this image larger.

July 1st, believe this was during the good-byes! See this image larger.

One more great smile and then we hit the road! See this image larger.

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