Wincing in a Winter Wonderland

You know that thing kids do on TV commercials where they go outside and play in the snow giggling and tromping around until they’re completely numb and have to have hot cocoa to even get close to feeling their fingers again? Didn’t happen. (These are from just before Grandma Marcia and Grampa Dave’s visit!)

The bad news is this took 15 minutes to get him to look like this… the good news is we can just keep him like this for the next 6 months. Right? What, no? See this image larger.

“This is why I usually just hand Da the remote control when he asks if we should go outside.” See this image larger.

They sent this one back from daycare… Not a happy little boy! There’s a tear trail frozen down one cheek and everything. They really shouldn’t send these to parents unless they want a stream of us to come storming in and rescue our kids. 😉 See this image larger.

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