Walk this way, Talk this way, Part I

I have more video to share, with the usual warning about download time. You’ll need to click the link, wait a few minutes, or maybe a whole lot more if your connection is slow. I still haven’t built a proper loader, so you’re not going to see the “progress bar” move at all, sorry.

Film shot January 5th 2008…

This night, he did the following with great regularity, and in fact, Part II is going to be similar tape from that same night. (Since then he’s done this a bit more, but not as much as the evening in question.)

What does he do?
1. He stands up without any kind of handhold.
2. He takes many fast steps without falling over, then a few slow ones.
3. He then stands very still, and sits fairly well when he realizes he’s still standing.
4. He mimics the sound I’m making (trying to get him to say “cat.”)
5. He uses his tongue to make “Luh” noises.

Click here to start the video!

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