Video Test Part II
Hi all, today we’re going to try another video. It also happens to be a NEW and GOOD video… a little incentive to try it out this time. 😉 You can hear Ian recite the alphabet and do his best to count to eleven. This is a long movie that has been compressed a lot… So the quality isn’t that great but the size of the video is only 2.3 MB… should be fine on almost any connection, I would think, particularly the way this player works.
What I guess I’d like to know is, how bad does it look to you guys? Would you want to see more videos like this, or would you rather see them look a bit better, but take longer to download? Life’s full of trade-offs!
Give it a shot by clicking here!
The middle part with the diamond, if you’re trying to figure out what’s going on there — he was doing itsy bitsy spider, and stopped when he realized he had made a diamond shape with his thumbs and fingers. He also manages to burp when he says “out” during the line “wash the spider out.”