Two Years Old
(First a quick note, I added some pictures and some extremely great sound clips to an earlier entry called “He Nose So Much…” please check ’em out! [You can click on the title in the previous sentence to go directly there.])
What can I say about this that won’t sound cliché? Our tiny little bundle that only grunted upon arrival at 2:45 in the morning is somehow 27 lbs with a little attitude and a growing vocabulary. If I went back in time to that night and could tell myself and Melissa a few things about the Ian of the future, would the me from two years ago want to know that Ian seems to prefer pickle slices to spears, that he is showing signs of being less of an Elmo fan and more of a Cookie Monster devotee? Or would we want to be surprised by every subtle nuance Ian has had to offer? The now-a-days me is wise enough to not even turn back time, if I could. Every day has been a fun new discovery, no matter if things are up or down.
I know this is going to put this entry completely out of order by starting with a photograph from later on, but I think this is probably the most fitting image for Ian’s birthday, hopefully you’ll agree it is worth the organizational sacrifice —
“The Great White has a protective lid that closes over its eyes just as its powerful jaws snap down on its helpless prey.” See this image larger.
Ok and now back to the beginning of our story…
This is from the night before his birthday, and he’s checking out the pile of envelopes and wrapped presents. Here he eyeballs a box from Grandma Sue… See this image larger.
…but, you can’t open them until tomorrow after school, kiddo! See this image larger.
A raspberry for that idea. See this image larger.
Dinosaur puzzles, and other goodness! Thanks to each and every one of you for your awesome gifts and cards! Ian got hands on with each card and whether or not you’ll ever see it — he thanked each of you personally on video. (Maybe I’ll get that up here someday!) See this image larger.
You look like you’re enjoying that pizza, kiddo, but I think we all know what time it is… See this image larger.
“IT TIME FOR COOOKIEEEEE…. I mean… CAAAAAKE!” See this image larger.
A special “mush” cake is handed to Ian to preserve the elegant Cookie Monster design for future generations. (I kid.) See this image larger.
See? An extended pinkie makes for a more distinguished pose while stuffing one’s face with cake and polka-dotted frosting. See this image larger.
“It’s ok that I just ate a candle, right?” 😉 See this image larger.