Twinkle, Twinkle
Just tonight we received notice that on July 6th our little baby boy will be upgraded to the “Early Preschool” room at daycare. I’ve never felt so old and proud at the same time!
On Friday, April 24th 2009, Ian stepped outside into warm spring air for some much needed dirt time. Here you’ll see me casually ask Ian to sing us Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and he launches into it.
I find that I pretty much have to do what I just said in order to get such behavior recorded… I have to act like something that I find very miraculous is status quo…
Click here to see the video, weighing in at a very slim 1.5 MB…
However if you’re feeling like it, I’ve also provided just the audio. Click here to listen to a teeny tiny 636 KB audio clip of the same thing.