Twice Bitten, Once Shy

We got two incident reports today from daycare. The first was at 10:05am…

Ian was playing with the lawnmower [presumedly a toy] and another child wanted his toy. The other child got upset and bit Ian on his left arm.

The second was at 11:00am…

Another child was pushing him out of the way and Ian didn’t want to move. So the child bit him on his left wrist.

I notice we don’t get the name or gender of the other child. I’m wondering what his/her incident report says. I’m guessing something along the lines of “Your child bit another child twice, deserved kick in shin, received.”

Note the difference between an incident report and a daily report. Incident reports are for when Ian has an accident or hurts himself in some way. Daily reports are a simple update on how his day went. I think in the future I’ll be typing in his daily reports here on the blog; they’re probably good to keep track of in a database like this one anyway.

Today’s Daily Report — “Ian had a great day… …He is doing a lot better interacting with the other children.” (This is the day he got bit, lol)

In other news:
• Ian woke up the other morning, held his arms up for Mama to pick him up, plucked the zooey (pacifier) out of his mouth, and handed it to her. (As in: “Done with this for now, thanks.”)

• When I picked Ian up from daycare yesterday, I sat him down on the floor of the car. I showed him how he could climb up to the seat of the car, and then his infant car seat as a series of steps. I mean sure, he’d made it from the car’s rear seat up onto his infant car seat previously, but to make it in a couple steps, that’d be impressive, right? Well he skipped the middle-step and clambered up from the car floor into the infant car seat!

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