March 27th, finally everything had thawed and my roof nail collection grew even bigger. If you’re in West Michigan and need a roofer, I can tell you who not to use. See this image larger.
Ian woke me up the morning of the 28th to tell me he had something awesome to show me. It turns out it was this blanket, stretched out to a rectangle shape, next to his bed. See this image larger.
The solar system mobile that Ian received not too long ago was joined by this inflatable space shuttle, some glow-in-the-dark stars, and this lamp from Ikea. Earlier that week, Ian sort of insisted that we finally put this up in his room. I’m glad he did. When I took out his old lamp, there was exposed wire, where the shielding appeared to be weakened and worn away… not near a cap or anything, this was just exposed, and dangerous. You know when something horrible happens (like a fire?) and you think to yourself “if only I had seen some kind of sign to warn me of this?” Well, I’m thinking this is what one of those signs looks like. See this image larger.
I knew the high tension power lines were somewhere in the neighborhood, I finally found them in this picture, but they’re way at the other end of our property this time. EDIT – Actually, that’s somebody else’s property. I’m not even sure why I included this. LOL. See this image larger.
The third loaf of bread I ever made in my life, and it was almost perfect. I gave Ian a taste of this bread and told him I made it. He challenged me on it, saying “This is from the peanut butter and jelly store.” That’s his name for Panera! The highest praise one can get from our little boy, trust me! See this image larger.
What we didn’t have in kid pictures, we’ll make up with movies, let’s go!
Video Click here to see the kids having fun in boxes made out of mats! Check out those static-electricty hairdos!
Video Click here to see Ian and Daddy’s awesome contraption. (It should be noted that he was just starting to get in a behavior rut when I started putting this together with him — by the time we were done he was a happy little angel again.) The reactions after the successful launch are worth every MB you feel like downloading, trust me.
Video Click here to see Nina break her previous record on steps. By this time she was up to 6-8 steps, but usually averaging 4-5. And a smooth landing, kinda, right?
Video Click here to watch Mommy tickling both of the little ones! 20:00:022011-04-11 20:00:02In Other News
March 21st, the 2nd loaf of bread that I made in my life. Was it awesome? No, but it had promise. See this image larger.
And that’s all she wrote for the 20th and 21st, goodbye! WAIT! One more thing… We have four awesome videos! Sorry, these all run a little long… lens cap and blocks are the longest, FYI.
Video Click here to watch Nina clean up some blocks… and then mess them up again… and then clean them up.
Video Click here to watch Nina transform my lap into a reading chair. This happens often. 🙂
Video Click here to see Nina hand over the remote like a good girl!
Video Click here to experience a camera-eye view of what it looks like to have a 1 year old try to put a lens cap on you.
In Other News
A mix of stuff here, sorry…
What we didn’t have in kid pictures, we’ll make up with movies, let’s go!
Frozen Rockford
March 24th, and Rockford froze. Sorry no pics of the kids this entry…
Another entry soon, and yes there will be pics of the kids! (Although yes there will be a stray non-kid pic or two… sheesh!)
Spring 2011!
Alright everybody, I bet I can do an entry-per-night again for a little while… here we go!
And that’s all she wrote for the 20th and 21st, goodbye! WAIT! One more thing… We have four awesome videos! Sorry, these all run a little long… lens cap and blocks are the longest, FYI.