February 2013 in Video

No audio this time around. Not really all the surprising given how busy things got with Lilly Looking Through.

VIDEO, February 3rd
Click here to see Nina getting her Béyonce-inspired Super Bowl halftime groove on! (Note the bits where she can see the television and how her moves become more complex during those moments.)

VIDEO, February 4th
Click here to see… evidence that I’ve probably traumatized my son for life. This is the pivotal “Luke gets his hand chopped off and Darth Vader reveals his relationship to Luke” scene from Empire Strikes Back.

VIDEO, February 8th
Click here to see… Nina marching around.

VIDEO, February 8th
Click here to see… Daddy and Nina talking about her pancake recipe. I apologize for not letting the little girl speak much here. Worth a chuckle!

VIDEO, February 16th
Click here to see… well… I’m not sure what’s going on here. Nina channels Lady Gaga?

VIDEO, February 23rd
Click here to see… Ian and Nina discussing what is a letter, and what is a number.

VIDEO, February 27th
Click here to see… Nina singing her heart out.

February Dialogue and Milestones

Dialogue, February 3rd
Nina bursts into a rousing cheer: “Cucumber, popcorn, quesadilla, super sleuths, go!”

Dialogue, February 12th
Ian: “Did you know turtles live to be 100 years old?”
Dad: “No.”
Ian: “That’s really old. I read about that in a NON-fiction book.”

Dialogue, February 12th
Ian: “Surrender!”
Ian, Voice #2: “WE SURRENDER!”
Ian: “That was pretty fast.”
Ian, Voice #2: “That’s because we DON’T surrender!”


Daycare Notes, Friday, February 1 Nina’s caregiver: “Nina is so cute when she decided to dance with a friend, they held hands and galloped around. She also had a lot of fun making her own toothpaste.”

Daycare Notes, Monday, February 4 Nina’s caregiver: “Nina made a ‘heart for mommy’ out of Play-Doh this morning! She loved putting things in the mailbox in dramatic play. Nina made up a song about taking turns. It was so cute!”

Daycare Notes, Tuesday, February 5 Nina’s caregiver: “Nina couldn’t wait to paint today! She worked really hard at tracing her name and really started to get the hang of it after a few tries! Nina loves mailing letters to our mailbox!”

Daycare Notes, Wednesday, February 6 Nina’s caregiver: “Nina was so excited to play the shape separating game at circle time! She was excited to feel an icicle and play in the snow! She made a ‘tower tree’ out of Legos this morning!”

Daycare Notes, Thursday, February 7 Nina’s caregiver: “Nina really enjoyed playing on the sticky wall! She had a blast watching other teachers throw snowballs at our windows.”

Daycare Notes, Monday, February 11 Nina’s caregiver: “Nina had a lovely tea party with her girlfriends and dramatic play! And she put on a leather vest and tied a bandanna around her waist. She look like a cowgirl! You tried really hard to get her beanbags in the heart. She didn’t excellent job identifying letters of the alphabet!”

Daycare Notes, Tuesday, February 12 Nina’s caregiver: “Nina took such good care of her baby she padded it when he cried, swaddled and named it ‘crying baby.’ Nina had lots of fun playing in the snow with your friends!”

Daycare Notes, Wednesday, February 13 Nina’s caregiver: “Nina enjoyed playing with small cars in the parking garage. She couldn’t wait to paint! She said she made a rainbow and then saying ‘over the rainbow I’ll see you in a couple of years.’ I love the songs she makes up!”

Daycare Notes, Thursday, February 14 Nina’s caregiver: “Nina was a bit emotional today but she did enjoy passing out her valentines.”

Daycare Notes, Friday, February 15th Nina’s caregiver: “Nina helped build a house out of magnetic tiles. It was challenging! She decorated the firetruck so beautifully and told us she ‘fixed’ it.”

Daycare Notes, Monday, February 18 Nina’s caregiver: “Nina had lots of fun dancing with her friends this morning! She pretended to be a doctor to her baby who had a ‘sick throat.’ Nina made a ‘plastic tree’ out of Legos. She’s so funny!”

Daycare Notes, Tuesday, February 19th Nina’s caregiver: “Nina has excellent small motor skills. Peeling Band-Aids was easy for her! She was very interested in learning how gauze worked. She couldn’t wait to go to tumble time!”

Daycare Notes, Wednesday, February 20 Nina’s caregiver: “Nina loved playing with the stamps and was excited to find the ‘N'”

Daycare Notes, Thursday, February 21st Nina’s caregiver: “Nina always called the YMCA view ‘YCM.’ It’s so cute. She built a ‘forest’ out of Legos. It looks really cool! She climbed a rock wall today. Ms. Sarah said she loved it and wasn’t scared at all!”

Daycare Notes, Friday, February 22nd Nina’s caregiver: “Nina enjoyed hiding in a tunnel from her friends! She was so excited to ride the Catapillar bike. Nina made a snake out of Play Doh. She was very serious when she was cooking in dramatic play play. Side note – I will miss Nina so much she will always have a place in my heart.” (Miss Joanna retiring.)

Daycare Notes, Monday, February 25th Nina’s caregiver: “Nina had fun playing outside on the swings and digging in the snow. We came back in, she built a big tall tower with Legos and saying ‘scare the cat’ in a lots of fun voices.”

Tumble Time Note Tumble Time Teacher: “Nina is so much fun in class! She’s always happy and hard-working and getting so much stronger!”

February 2013 in Pictures…In One Long Post!

February 1st, I received this note as part of a Thank You card from Ian for showing up at Doughnuts with Dad. You are so welcome, kiddo. See this image larger.

February 2nd, Nina makes her unforgettable fruit-vegetable-pizza-Lego-rubber ball salad. See this image larger.

February 3rd, Mommy left for sunny Texas, leaving us to huddle with each other in the cold… Just kidding, we did alright! (Mommy, I’m noticing a pattern of warm-weather work trips in the winter. Just sayin’ 😉 ) See this image larger.

That night, we went to Cinco De Mayo as usual. See this image larger.

I believe this was the trip where Nina needed to go potty, so I took her to the men’s room with Ian. While Ian stood there, Nina sat in a stall. I remember washing my hands, hearing Nina say “oops” and watching a roll of toilet paper coast out from under the stall, behind my ankles, unravelling as it went. See this image larger.

That night, the kitty knew he’d find peace on Mommy’s side of the bed, so he snuggled up on her blanket… or maybe he just missed her already, who knows. See this image larger.

February 4th, and because it is hard to cook with the two kids, we tend to eat out while Mommy’s away. Thus, Panera and an M&M cookie! See this image larger.

February 8th. Snow. Also, can’t wait to share a video of Nina making pancakes that happened on this day. Remind me! See this image larger.

February 10th, and these smiles can mean only one thing… Mommy’s home! See this image larger.

Celebratory smooch on the forehead! See this image larger.

February 12th, the kids in Ian’s class had already been in school for 100 days! Where does the time go? It doesn’t matter, I just know it goes very quick. See this image larger.

February 14th, the kids show us some heart from Kindergarten! See this image larger.

Olga’s! See this image larger.

Lightsabers from Grampa Dave and Gramma Marcia! See this image larger.

Uh oh there’s two… THIS one works… See this image larger.

THAT one works… See this image larger.

Hey, they BOTH work! MORTAL COMBAT!!! See this image larger.

IAN!!!! Don’t you know that if you strike her down now she will only come back more powerful than you can possibly imagine? (Don’t worry folks, everybody’s fine here, just a trick of the angle. 😉 ) See this image larger.

February 15th, Nina stood on her soap box and read this book to us, by which I mean, she made up a phrase and repeated it for pretty much every page. “Her did it to her did it, and her did it to her did it.” What do you expect people, she’s THREE. Geez!See this image larger.

Look at that cute pony tail! See this image larger.

Hiya Peanut! See this image larger.

So cute! Yeah, sure you can watch the TV. See this image larger.

It’s always so good to look across the table and see both girls. 🙂 See this image larger.

February 25th, Ian took a rare nap after a full day of play. Sometimes when I look at him, I can picture the baby Ian. Usually when he’s sleeping like this. See this image larger.

Nina watching the iPad in the sunroom. Yes, they probably seem to be on the iPads a lot. And they are. But just not as much as you think they are; this is the only time they hold still for a picture!! See this image larger.

February 26th, the Valentine’s season has Ian feeling generous… this is a note for his sister! It says “I hoPE you had a gud dey at school love Ian.” (I hope you had a good day at school. Love, Ian.) See this image larger.

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