14:42:372011-04-17 14:42:37Splish Splash, Part I
But yes, on April 3rd, more than just the events recorded in “Is it Cold?” happened.
In “JAMS” (kinda like Sunday School for little ones) Ian made this egg carton full of stuff to study about Easter. The important part of this pic is his name, which he wrote by himself! See this image larger.
This is a picture of a construction worker using one of those cement hoses to fill in a road. Ian saw it on Bob the builder and drew it! See this image larger.
I asked Ian to draw a picture of “Lofty” from Bob the Builder. Here you can clearly see Lofty’s eyes, his mouth, and his hook. (He’s a sort of crane-truck.) See this image larger.
Next entry, the bath that followed the picture above.
Video Click here to see this very quick video of the kids practicing “cheers!” Probably skippable if you’re on a low-bandwidth connection at the moment. 17:15:222011-04-16 17:15:22This Day Just Keeps on Goin’!
Alright, we’re at April 3rd and I finally get to tell this story.
First a little background. The grocery store is a boring place for a kid. I always try to make it a little more fun with a couple games. One of them is the “let the cart go” game, which we’ll talk about someday, but isn’t nearly as dangerous as it sounds. But the game in question here is called “is it cold?” And it is very simple. You go to a frozen food aisle, grab a frozen food item, and hold it near the child and say “is it cold?” Then you touch their hand or cheek with it, and they squeal with delight while Daddy says “HEEEW hew hew, it IS cold!”
Part I of why I’m telling you all of this:
Nina looked at her cup funny, and lifted it slightly when I gave it to her out of the fridge at dinner time. Trying to think like a baby, I realized she was probably making a connection to the game we played at the grocery store and so I asked “Is it cold?” Right off the bat, something like this picture happened. She held the cup up to her own head. See this image larger.
Part 2 of why I’m telling you this happened because I was trying so hard to get a photo or video of her doing this. Nina has this tendency to do something awesome ONCE and not do it again for months. So I asked her over and over again, if her cup was cold, to see if she’d do it again. Obviously she did. BUT. This is where Nina really shines… You should click on the link of the video below and start listening right after I say “I love you.” You should listen for her to say the following words:
“he says that ‘Is it cold?'”
And note that her voice drops an octave when she’s imitating me… the “he says that” part is in her voice, the “Is it cold” is an imitation of my voice. I couldn’t believe my luck that I got this on tape. Enjoy! (Side note – I’m actually pretty sure the “song” that she sings toward the end of the video is the William Tell Overture as I sing it to the kids whenever they sit on my knee or back and I bounce them up and down for a horsey ride.)
Video Click here to see this video, you will not be sorry. 13:51:572011-04-14 13:51:57Is it Cold?
Splish Splash, Part I
Yes, we are STILL on April 3rd.
This Day Just Keeps on Goin’!
But yes, on April 3rd, more than just the events recorded in “Is it Cold?” happened.
Next entry, the bath that followed the picture above.
Is it Cold?
Alright, we’re at April 3rd and I finally get to tell this story.
First a little background. The grocery store is a boring place for a kid. I always try to make it a little more fun with a couple games. One of them is the “let the cart go” game, which we’ll talk about someday, but isn’t nearly as dangerous as it sounds. But the game in question here is called “is it cold?” And it is very simple. You go to a frozen food aisle, grab a frozen food item, and hold it near the child and say “is it cold?” Then you touch their hand or cheek with it, and they squeal with delight while Daddy says “HEEEW hew hew, it IS cold!”
Part I of why I’m telling you all of this:
Part 2 of why I’m telling you this happened because I was trying so hard to get a photo or video of her doing this. Nina has this tendency to do something awesome ONCE and not do it again for months. So I asked her over and over again, if her cup was cold, to see if she’d do it again. Obviously she did. BUT. This is where Nina really shines… You should click on the link of the video below and start listening right after I say “I love you.” You should listen for her to say the following words:
“he says that ‘Is it cold?'”
And note that her voice drops an octave when she’s imitating me… the “he says that” part is in her voice, the “Is it cold” is an imitation of my voice. I couldn’t believe my luck that I got this on tape. Enjoy! (Side note – I’m actually pretty sure the “song” that she sings toward the end of the video is the William Tell Overture as I sing it to the kids whenever they sit on my knee or back and I bounce them up and down for a horsey ride.)