Well, we’re almost caught up to the Florida trip! Before we go there, however, I wanted to show some images that are from Melissa’s laptop, her phone, and Melanie’s camera… these are shots that are from all over chronologically that I didn’t have access to when they fit in our story. So it is time for a two-part entry of flashbacks!
https://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svg00vrbfwhttps://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svgvrbfw2011-08-14 09:09:002011-08-14 09:09:00Images That Time (Almost) Forgot, Part I
It was an incredible experience, today. I got a comment on my contest entry video from somebody in Germany out of the blue, and then a total stranger commented congratulations… so I went to the contest official site as fast as my typing fingers could take me.
There were two first place winners and one second place winner of the 320 videos that were entered into the Exile/Vilify contest I was trying to win. There were also 9 videos that were honorable mentions. Mine was the third one down, of the latter, in a link that said “Best Turret Story.”
The number of “likes” has tripled, the number of views doubled, and the number of comments went from a small handful to 4 pages! It is no huge success, but I feel… validated. And the comments I just mentioned are enough to make a guy blush. Today was one happy day.
Thank you so much Melissa, for giving me the time to do this and believing in me. 🙂
THIS JUST IN – I fixed the Previous Entry buttons at the bottom of each “page.” If you haven’t been here in a bit, suggest scrolling down to the “previous entry” buttons and keep going back in time until you find stuff you recognize, then work your way back until you get here. But hey, it is your visit, enjoy! 😉
Ian had a couple years of exclusivity on the blog, so he only gets a one part marathon… Let’s go!
Yep, I know. I’ll cut it out if you could wear some clothes more often. As it is I had to photoshop a toe out of this image because it didn’t look like a toe. See this image larger.
If these images look a little strange it is because in this shot I took it in the complete dark, using the flash to bounce the light off of the ceiling. Effective! See this image larger.
Such a good kid. These pics were all taken July 12th. I was a few days away from the contest deadline, and a few days prior managed to cut a nice slice into my left index finger while cutting bread… they made me wear a splint which is why I mention all of this, you can see it in the image. The injury did not make working on the contest any easier. Incidentally, if you are wondering, as of this date, august 8th, they still have not announced a winner. See this image larger.
He knows how to be frustrating sometimes, but when he’s not, he’s a total angel. See this image larger.
You might hear Ian mention a game called Casey’s Contraptions, or you might wonder about the kind of thing the kids play on the iPad. They learn all kinds of stuff via some educational games, the one pictured here is more about cause and effect. In this mode, Ian gets to design whatever he wants. In this case, the three balls will hit the three switches, opening the three trap-doors, resulting in three smashed piggy banks. See this image larger.
Images That Time (Almost) Forgot, Part I
Well, we’re almost caught up to the Florida trip! Before we go there, however, I wanted to show some images that are from Melissa’s laptop, her phone, and Melanie’s camera… these are shots that are from all over chronologically that I didn’t have access to when they fit in our story. So it is time for a two-part entry of flashbacks!
Honorable Mention
It was an incredible experience, today. I got a comment on my contest entry video from somebody in Germany out of the blue, and then a total stranger commented congratulations… so I went to the contest official site as fast as my typing fingers could take me.
There were two first place winners and one second place winner of the 320 videos that were entered into the Exile/Vilify contest I was trying to win. There were also 9 videos that were honorable mentions. Mine was the third one down, of the latter, in a link that said “Best Turret Story.”
The number of “likes” has tripled, the number of views doubled, and the number of comments went from a small handful to 4 pages! It is no huge success, but I feel… validated. And the comments I just mentioned are enough to make a guy blush. Today was one happy day.
Thank you so much Melissa, for giving me the time to do this and believing in me. 🙂
THIS JUST IN – I fixed the Previous Entry buttons at the bottom of each “page.” If you haven’t been here in a bit, suggest scrolling down to the “previous entry” buttons and keep going back in time until you find stuff you recognize, then work your way back until you get here. But hey, it is your visit, enjoy! 😉
Ian had a couple years of exclusivity on the blog, so he only gets a one part marathon… Let’s go!