These are some sound-clips that have been collected throughout October. You should be able to click on them and your browser should simply play them. Definitely don’t miss October 15th’s clip from our dinner out, very cute!!
October 8th… we took the kids downtown for the Fall Harvest Whatever The Heck Rockford Calls It Thingy, 2011. We ended up at a clothing store that had a play area in back… I was very proud of Ian for the following conversation. See this image larger.
Dialogue, October 8th Kid being pushed in stroller, indicating the play area where we sat: “I want to go in there!” Ian waves, says: “Wanna play?” I gush with pride, ask: “Is that a friend of yours, Ian? Maybe from school?” Ian: “No, he’s not a friend. But I can make friends wiffum. (with him.)” I’m unable to respond to the perfect answer from my wonderful little boy.
Nina can’t believe we didn’t bring crayons and paper to go with the table. See this image larger.
Not too sure about that smile, it looks like it might be the real thing, or it might be the one right before he steps on Daddy’s hand. See this image larger.
Not too sure about that smile either… it’s either “I love you, sister” or “Trust me, I won’t push you down this slide!” See this image larger.
We attempted to find the secret in the middle of the monkey-bar-dome. There wasn’t one. See this image larger.
This is the scarecrow that we made at the Fall Harvest Festival thingy. See this image larger.
We got boo’d by the boys next door! (That means somebody leaves a bag of candy on your door…) See this image larger.
And here’s Ian with those same boys. (Ian’s hiding behind the tree branch.) See this image larger.
Ian on the left, Brendan in the middle, Jacob on the right. They’re awesome little boys, and their parents are very cool as well! See this image larger.
October 9th, here’s our fav kids on the iPad again… love Nina’s elbow and toes on the left. See this image larger. 19:42:222011-11-12 19:42:22Trying to Hold On to Summer
On October 1st, I don’t remember exactly why, but Nina gave me a big strong hug, and laid her head down on my shoulder. I don’t know why I have this noted as “first big hug” but I wanted to mention it anyway. She and I have grown so close, I guess I’ve lost track of which happened when. They’re wonderful though!
They liked looking at the geese and ducks and stuff along the river in Rockford. See this image larger.
On October 4th, Seth threw up blood, and I had to take him to the vet. I took him alone and it was very sad and frustrating. The vet basically was giving me a “what do you want me to tell you?” kind of attitude.
On October 5th, Nina was told to put her zooey/pacifier on the dresser. She put it in her crib instead, knowing she would want it later and deciding, rightfully so, that the adults were full of beans.
October 6th, and Nina’s tent gets a new occupant while she’s away! See this image larger.
October Audio
These are some sound-clips that have been collected throughout October. You should be able to click on them and your browser should simply play them. Definitely don’t miss October 15th’s clip from our dinner out, very cute!!
Trying to Hold On to Summer
October Begins
On October 1st, I don’t remember exactly why, but Nina gave me a big strong hug, and laid her head down on my shoulder. I don’t know why I have this noted as “first big hug” but I wanted to mention it anyway. She and I have grown so close, I guess I’ve lost track of which happened when. They’re wonderful though!
On October 4th, Seth threw up blood, and I had to take him to the vet. I took him alone and it was very sad and frustrating. The vet basically was giving me a “what do you want me to tell you?” kind of attitude.
On October 5th, Nina was told to put her zooey/pacifier on the dresser. She put it in her crib instead, knowing she would want it later and deciding, rightfully so, that the adults were full of beans.