Video, February 10th
The first part of this is Nina simply dancing her buns off… the second part she’s singing a song from Yo Gabba Gabba, on February 10th. The song goes something like “Wiggle wiggle wiggle GO! Wiggle wiggle wiggle GO! Wiggle wiggle wiggle STOP! (and Nina adds a count 1, 2, 3, 4… ) HOLD STILLLLLL!” To see this video, click here.
Video, February 10th
This one’s great. See Nina performing a knock knock joke with Mommy also on February 10th. The joke, as I’ve mentioned before, goes like this:
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Interrupting Cow.
Interrupting cow wh–
I love the things Nina says instead of “interrupting,” I think she says “interrerrupatin” and “eruptin.” To see this video, click here.
Video, February 14th
See Nina playing air keyboard on February 14th, needs no explanation, the smile at the end makes it worth the click! To try this video, click here. 13:36:472012-03-28 13:36:47More February Movies – All Nina Edition!
This if from a February 6th trip to Java Gym… in this one Nina starts getting a little more brave with slides, and more able to control her body mid-slide.
To try this video, click here. This is a pretty good one, nice and short, and small file size. Please let me know if you have any issues watching this video. Thanks! 14:39:562012-03-27 14:39:56February Video – Java Gym!
Dialogue, February 6th Daddy:“God didn’t give you a nose so you could pick it.” Ian, fifteen minutes later:“What did God give me to pick?”
Dialogue, February 9th Ian:“I had a crusty in my eye and it walked right out.”
Dialogue, February 13th
Daycare Caregiver: “Smart cookie knows her colors.” (She also said that another teacher asked if everybody in the class knew all their colors. “No, just Nina.”)
Nina, looking down at her pajama bottoms: “Flowers. Foofah loves flowers. Orange flowers.”
Nina says first knock-knock joke.
Dialogue, February 15th Nina saying Grace:“God is gate is thank him for ow fud.”
Dialogue, February 16th All of us on the way to daycare in the morning, Ian:“Are you going to eat the rest of your cereal bar?” Nina moves it within reach, then yanks it away. Ian:“Daaaaad! Nina’s teasin’!” Nina hands cereal bar over to Ian:“Here ya go.” Daddy:“Ian, please give half of that back to her, please.” Ian hands half back quickly and without complaint. Nina replies:“Thank you, brother.”
More February Movies – All Nina Edition!
Alright, bring on the cute!
February Video – Java Gym!
This if from a February 6th trip to Java Gym… in this one Nina starts getting a little more brave with slides, and more able to control her body mid-slide.
To try this video, click here. This is a pretty good one, nice and short, and small file size. Please let me know if you have any issues watching this video. Thanks!
February Dialogue