March 3rd, and no your eyes are not deceiving you. This isn’t Ian, this is Brandon’s son Max. I was helping them move, we stopped to eat, he got a really big sundae, and, well, it was a cute picture.
March 10th, we went to Ikea and Nina started using an abacus as we shopped. With the speed at which she seems to pick stuff up, I almost wouldn’t be surprised if she figured this thing out.
Nina wandering around Grampa Dave and Gramma Marcia’s – she was pointing out a small crystal bunny in the cabinet. We went there to wish Grampa Dave a happy birthday! (We didn’t have an opportunity to take too many photos… I did get one nice video, though, which I’ll share shortly.)
March 12th, at Gramma Marcia and Grampa Dave’s, the kids got these cool cardboard houses! The best part about them is that they fold away and pretty much disappear. I want to underline that again… these very large toys disappear. That’s awesome, because we’re pretty much getting overrun by toys. Disappear is good.
Also on March 12th, I got out the clippers. Here’s the “before” picture…
And here’s the “after!”
He was such a trooper. I even nicked his ear and caused it to bleed, and he was sad, and cried, but got over it very quickly. I expected him to then hate his own reflection, because that seems to be the way of things… but he loved it!
See? (He took an impromptu bath… wow cutting off that much hair really generates a lot of hair!!)
This adorable table and chair set was only 20 bucks at Ikea. Since we got it, it has seen daily usage.
Ian said this ball of tape with more tape inside of it looked like when I tried to hide a pea in his bread. (There was a time when we were trying to force Ian to eat some vegetables, but he only had to eat ONE pea, for example. So I helped him by hiding it. Long story. He still doesn’t drink milk at home, and frankly his nit-picky eating is probably the biggest issue we have with the raising of the kids currently.)
Ian made a shadow on the bathroom floor and said it was just like his spaceship toy. (Millennium Falcon.) 16:33:152012-04-06 16:33:15March Comes in like a Boo Boo Kitty
Audio, February 25th
I turned this video into audio to save a little room, as the image is unnecessary. To hear this audio, click here.
Video, February 26th
Daddy reads Nina “BigLittle” with a lot of questions. This is a long video, might take a bit to download. To see this video, click here.
That’s it for February, will we ever catch up?!? 15:31:142012-04-05 15:31:14Rounding Out February
Video, February 14th
This is a video I took just pointing my camera at the television while we played a special video game. Before you skip this because it sounds horrible, trust me, this is kind of cute… you can SEE the kids on the screen. To see this video, click here.
Video, February 16th
The night before Mommy’s triumphant return to our home, Nina decided to try and say grace. Listen for “Sawd (God) ess grate, thank him for our food our food.” The video is out of sync with the audio a bit here, sorry. To see this video, click here.
Video, February 24th
Our neighbors next door invited us to Brendan’s birthday party, and Ian, Nina and I had a blast! I mentioned before that there was something I wanted you to see, and that’s Nina climbing to go down the slide, check it out! To see this video, click here. 16:08:042012-04-02 16:08:04Yet More February Movies
March Comes in like a Boo Boo Kitty
Rounding Out February
That’s it for February, will we ever catch up?!?
Yet More February Movies