Baby’s Got Belly

She only gets cuter, doesn’t she? 🙂


Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fightin’

Since out last blog post, Melissa has been treated to a great deal of kicking. I’m pretty sure this is because Tai-Chi is hereditary.

We still haven’t quite figured out why the baby was so active during the ultrasound.


Boys Will Be Boys

thumbs up
Today we were treated to quite a show by our little one-to-be… He gave us a thumbs up (see picture above,) yawned, hiccuped, jiggled all over the place and showed us how he can kick Melissa’s bladder like Mike Tyson beating the crap out of a punching bag. As if this behavior wasn’t enough to make it evident, we were also shown enough anatomy that we can say with some authority that he is a boy.

I wanted to put some video up here, but they would not let us videotape it. Normally I’d understand that liability and whatever else can be an issue, but I’m curious as to why my sister-in-law is able to purchase her own DVD of her ultrasound. Depends on the hospital apparently!

Here is an additional image. You can make out his nose (which looks more like Melissa’s to me already…) pointing to the upper right and the general shape of his noggin. My very cool neighbor Susan told me that when you see a baby you immediately know what to name it… I told Melissa that these recent images lead me to believe that “Squishy” would be fitting.


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