Eek Week!

Following a splendid weekend with Grandma Marcia and Grandpa Dave, where Ian exhibited signs of walking with the aid of a mobile ottoman and the lil guy met all kinds of island-folk… things turned a little sour this week. Part of it was our fault… we decided that it was time to stop bowing to each time the lil guy needed attention in the middle of the night, and so began to ween him off of this, knowing that the long-term gain was well worth a week or so of sacrifice. The frustration of this was compounded by the danger of a flooding basement and blackouts throughout this week thanks to powerful storms rolling through the Rockford area, as well as a little bit of sickness on his part. See this image larger.

Today he got his first bruise at daycare.

There were some good moments, however. He continually advances in the “crawl” department, outright taking very crawl-like steps the other day, and pulling himself up as well. One of the more shocking bits was when we discovered he was holding the vertical bars of his crib like those of a prison cell. What made it astonishing was that I pointed with one of my hands and said “move this hand up to here.” He did. “Now move this hand up to here.” And he did. “Now move this hand up to here.” Again, he did. “Now put your hand flat up on here.” (Horizontal top of the crib wall…) And he did. “Now put your OTHER hand up here.” Aaaaand… he did. Granted I pointed at each of these places, but is it me or is he getting smarter, if not stronger?!?See this image larger.

RETRACTION – I am sorry to say that we have gone back to “basic” cable television… the price that was promised to us was something that our cable company could not actually match when the bill showed up. Being that we don’t watch it all that much, we decided to cancel. Sorry sports fans!

Triple Feature!

He’s a little bigger and brighter every day… It has been a long couple of week since our last blog entry, so I bring to you no less than three pretty great movies, if I do say so myself; starring Ian in all his glory. And by “glory” I mean diapers. In order to view our film selection tonight, simply click on one of the titles below. The sizes of the films are noted as well, for your convenience. Remember that you might not see anything while it is downloading to your computer, and if you’ve got a slow connection, you’re probably out of luck, sorry!

whudizzit, episode 1 (1.95 MB)

earthquake? (904 KB)

the forward flop (3.31 MB)


Ian is so very close to crawling, but he has not yet. He can get into what we call a “table-top” position, and then juts back and forth with his torso, as if trying to determine where his weight ought to go next. Thus the child-proofing of the house has begun! We won’t be going overboard though, we’ve already decided that he probably needs to learn what a table edge is… otherwise God forbid he goes to somebody else’s house and they don’t have foam on every surface. See this image larger.

Family member sports fans will be pleased to know that the next time they visit Ian up in Michigan no less than 4 different versions of ESPN await on our upgraded cable package.

Here’s a quick image of Ian’s first piggy-back ride. He’s still tippy enough that I don’t think I’d want to let go of him up there… but he was smart enough to grab some of my “mane” and hold tight. That hurt. 😉 See this image larger.

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