Here’s a few more stories from home, told in pictures. But first let’s get you up to date on Daycare Reports…
07/31/08 Daycare Report
Ian had a great day! He played w/ our gumball machine. He loves putting the balls in it and pushing the button to make the balls come down.
(The gumball machine is a toy! A familiar toy at that!)
After an extended three hour nap on the 28th, Ian woke up with a peculiar shape on his cheek again. This time it didn’t look like his hand. I’ve included a cut-out of his blanket to help you make out what the shape is! See this image larger.
Also on the 28th spoons were appropriated, misused/enjoyed, and cleaned for proper usage at a later date. See this image larger.
This is the 29th, and I’m not sure what makes that boy look so old in this shot, but wow is he growing. Like a lot of parents, we sometimes call him “little man,” but unlike a lot of toddlers — the name seems to fit. Well, sometimes anyway. See this image larger.
What a gentle kid he can be at times. Granted this is after he tried to stick the rock in his hand through the window, but still. This is him saying “Please open the window, please?” See this image larger.
Why is it that when I look at this picture I envision future parent/teacher conferences involving the words “class,” “clown,” and “socialize?” More to the point, why does that make my heart sing with pride? See this image larger.
I love this picture; there’s this ease in his eyes that tells me he loves to laugh with his family, and to make them laugh. We love you, goofball! See this image larger. 21:09:372008-08-01 21:09:37Home Sweet Home
Great Grandma Betty once told me that Grampa Dave was more interested in the chains that kept the humans away from the animals, than the animals themselves. Ian continues that tradition. See this image larger.
Our guide repeated her obligatory suggestion again and again — “Quietly and gently put your hand in the water and the trained manta rays will come to you.” Somehow I don’t think the message got through. Look at that smile tho! Too fun not to splash! See this image larger.
Again with the smile. The two princesses standing next to him probably didn’t much appreciate his lack of grace, but hey, that’s what you get when you stand next to a boy, sorry ladies! See this image larger.
Stroller convoy! The woman in the orange there is one of the caregivers in Ian’s class. She organized this whole thing… on her day off. See this image larger.
The petting zoo portion of the trip… For some reason petting something fuzzy is the highest of comedies to Ian. See this image larger.
Well, that’s it kiddo, time to go home. We saw lions, bears, tigers, ducks, frogs, porcupines, monkeys, mountain lions, camels, hawks, eagles, falcons, sheep, goats, hens, a komodo dragon and more! You look tired just thinking about all that. (And wow did he sleep after this was over… dang!) See this image larger. 22:55:202008-07-31 22:55:20Gone to the Zoo
As I mentioned last entry, his verbal skills are improving. His “uh oh” and “bye bye” are dead on; “all done” is recognizable. A few one-off thank you’s and you’re welcomes have struck here and there. He can point out body parts and facial features. There are some things that we’re probably assigning a little extra meaning to: Like I said “You dropped it.” He said “Aye brobbeh.”
Just yesterday (28th) Ian and I were at a park and as I propped him up on a balance beam he noticed a large bird dropping on the beam. I adamantly said “don’t touch” because I didn’t have wipes with me — we had traveled by bike. As I steered him in the other direction on the beam he twisted around to look at the dropping, or so I thought. I steered him away again, and a second time he twisted to face the poop. His intentions were made very clear, however, when he bent over and shook a finger directly and sternly at the bird dropping and clearly stated “DOB’T TUDTCH.” (don’t touch.) He then went on his way.
He’s also getting better at making animal noises such as “mooo” and “baaaah,” although he does seem to be getting “mooo” and the “mmmmmwah!!” noise of a kiss mixed up a little. I think most of you have received a “bye bye!” from him either on voice mail or on the phone. He’s also just barely starting to learn the word “circle” and the difference between a circle and ball… he has a long way to go on that one, I think.
On our recent zoo trip it was hilarious and amazing to see him sign “Food. More. Food.”
I’ve been working on this entry for a week… I just wanted to mention that Ian’s communication skills continue to blossom. Last night, truly the Holy Grail of toddler communication moments, I asked him if he would like another cookie and if he did to say please; you know, waiting to see that rubbing his chest “please” sign an entry or two ago. Nope, no sign… but out came his version of the word: “PEEEEEZ.” You bet your pirate booty that boy got another cookie.
07/24/08 Daycare Report
Ian had a great day! We sang songs and read books. We also went ona walk. We saw a bunch of dogs while walking.
07/25/08 Daycare Report
Ian had a good day! We practiced all of our zoo animal noises. I can not wait to se the kids look at all of the animals. Have a good weekend!
(The above just before our zoo visit weekend with one of the daycare people, pictures from that trip next entry!)
07/30/08 Daycare Report
Ian had a rough drop off but within 10 minutes was ready to play. 🙂 Ian seem[ed] to feel ok. His bandaid fell off at the 11am diaper change.
(The above report was right after we took him to the doctor, this morning. [30th] He got his last two shots before he starts school! [That’s a long time from now, um… right?] So the rough drop off was because he was still not liking the pain he had felt earlier and wanted Mama close. By the way everything else was normal in his checkup. He’s 33.25″ long, and weighed in at 26 lbs.)
And now the photo portion of our entry: On the 21st, Ian showed some of that crazy Chapman engineering skill by wedging a bubble producing toy under the handle of a wagon. The toy automatically produces bubbles so long as its handle is held down. So Ian created a sort of constant bubble-machine… eat your heart out Lawrence Welk. See this image larger.
On the 22nd, he seems to have noticed that there is more than one bubble. See this image larger.
I don’t know which screwball in our family taught him to try to eat bubbles… ok, he probably saw me doing it. See this image larger.
Mama’s boy misses his mama. That gate stays closed when cooking is going on. If he looks older, taller, and like he has more hair, that’s not an optical illusion. See this image larger.
This marked the return of Ian’s appetite, from being sick a week ago. He was really pounding it down. See this image larger.
Home Sweet Home
Here’s a few more stories from home, told in pictures. But first let’s get you up to date on Daycare Reports…
07/31/08 Daycare Report
(The gumball machine is a toy! A familiar toy at that!)
Gone to the Zoo
Talk Talk
As I mentioned last entry, his verbal skills are improving. His “uh oh” and “bye bye” are dead on; “all done” is recognizable. A few one-off thank you’s and you’re welcomes have struck here and there. He can point out body parts and facial features. There are some things that we’re probably assigning a little extra meaning to: Like I said “You dropped it.” He said “Aye brobbeh.”
Just yesterday (28th) Ian and I were at a park and as I propped him up on a balance beam he noticed a large bird dropping on the beam. I adamantly said “don’t touch” because I didn’t have wipes with me — we had traveled by bike. As I steered him in the other direction on the beam he twisted around to look at the dropping, or so I thought. I steered him away again, and a second time he twisted to face the poop. His intentions were made very clear, however, when he bent over and shook a finger directly and sternly at the bird dropping and clearly stated “DOB’T TUDTCH.” (don’t touch.) He then went on his way.
He’s also getting better at making animal noises such as “mooo” and “baaaah,” although he does seem to be getting “mooo” and the “mmmmmwah!!” noise of a kiss mixed up a little. I think most of you have received a “bye bye!” from him either on voice mail or on the phone. He’s also just barely starting to learn the word “circle” and the difference between a circle and ball… he has a long way to go on that one, I think.
On our recent zoo trip it was hilarious and amazing to see him sign “Food. More. Food.”
I’ve been working on this entry for a week… I just wanted to mention that Ian’s communication skills continue to blossom. Last night, truly the Holy Grail of toddler communication moments, I asked him if he would like another cookie and if he did to say please; you know, waiting to see that rubbing his chest “please” sign an entry or two ago. Nope, no sign… but out came his version of the word: “PEEEEEZ.” You bet your pirate booty that boy got another cookie.
07/24/08 Daycare Report
07/25/08 Daycare Report
(The above just before our zoo visit weekend with one of the daycare people, pictures from that trip next entry!)
07/30/08 Daycare Report
(The above report was right after we took him to the doctor, this morning. [30th] He got his last two shots before he starts school! [That’s a long time from now, um… right?] So the rough drop off was because he was still not liking the pain he had felt earlier and wanted Mama close. By the way everything else was normal in his checkup. He’s 33.25″ long, and weighed in at 26 lbs.)
And now the photo portion of our entry:
On the 21st, Ian showed some of that crazy Chapman engineering skill by wedging a bubble producing toy under the handle of a wagon. The toy automatically produces bubbles so long as its handle is held down. So Ian created a sort of constant bubble-machine… eat your heart out Lawrence Welk. See this image larger.