Ladies and Gentlemen… as you probably know, this week marks the beginning of Ian’s time in the “older toddler” room. There was, of course, a high brow, joyous ceremony to honor his step into a more mature world. I include a video of said ceremony at this link, enjoy!
Ian had a great day! We went to the park today, we will be doing ice cream tomorrow! 🙂
08/07/08 Daycare Report
We had a great day! We played with the new squirt toys Miss Rebecca bought. We were squirting at our friends 🙂
08/09/08 Daycare Report
Ian had a wonderful day! We played outside for awhile this morning! It was very nice weather and the kids were having a blast.
08/13/08 Daycare Report
Ian had a great day and lots of fun on our long walk! He ate a lot of ice cream while smiling the whole time! [The whole time? Seriously? See pics below…]
08/14/08 Daycare Report
We had a great day! We practiced our firetruck songs and played firefighters. We also worked on more sign language.
08/15/08 Daycare Report
We had fun on our long walk down the trail today! Ian made sure to say hello to everyone who passed while sharing a smile and laugh with his friends! It was a happy day!
08/20/08 Daycare Report
Ian had a good day! We painted a red cross with cotton balls to go along with our doctor theme. Ian is doing a great job interacting and taking turns with friends.
08/20/08 Daycare INCIDENT Report
Ian was pushing a toy car around and tripped and bumped his face on the floor. He got small rugburn above his lip and his mouth was bleeding. I did not see a cut.
08/21/08 Daycare Report
We had a great day 🙂 We went for a walk to the bridge and back. We love watching the cars go under the bridge. 🙂
08/21/08 Daycare INCIDENT Report
Ian was running in circles with a friend when him and his friend [yikes] ran into each other. Ian has a bump on his right eyebrow.
08/22/08 Daycare Report
We had a great day! Have a great weekend. See you next week!
Then there was this little bombshell:
Dear Chapmans,
We are working on classroom transitions for children who are ready to make the move to the next classroom…
Ian will be moving up to the Older Toddler classroom. He will be visiting the new classroom prior to his official move on September 3, 2008. If you have any questions or concerns about this move for your child please let us know immediately. We are so excited to see your child grow with the center and progress to the next level of development.
Thank You,
(We are moving up about half of his current class. Please let me know if you would like to meet Miss Judy or hear about her classroom and please let me know if you have any concerns — Kelly.)
After reading the graduation note, Melissa and I turned to each other with glum looks about him growing up too fast. I asked her “Do you think maybe instead of ‘Older Toddler’ they could move him to a room called ‘Freakishly Tall Infants?'”
And now some pics taken by the folks at daycare, from the 8/13/08 ice cream trip:
Least hair, biggest appetite. Yet Ian doesn’t look all that excited about his ice cream. See this image larger.
Seriously, how do you get a kid to make a face like this after you give him ice cream? Did they tell him he had to stop eating for the picture? See this image larger.
And I’ve never seen a face like this on my kid… is this sauerkraut flavored ice cream? See this image larger. 11:37:282008-08-24 11:37:28August Cliff Notes from Daycare
Wow. Seriously. I can’t even begin to remember all of the things Ian has learned to say and do over the last several weeks. He’s ramping up his communication skills in a huge way. He’s picked up on speech patterns — which allows him to not just mime words but deliver them under the proper context. Some examples:
• “Uwaka.” Doesn’t mean much to you, does it? Except that he says it after we say “thank you.” Get it? He’s saying “you’re welcome!”
• “Please” has become a lot more prevalent, particularly when a cookie is involved. You can also expect, at times, to have this accompanied by the sign-language for “please” and/or “help.” (Which I believe is for “help Mama get me a cookie, she’s not getting it nearly fast enough.”) Also at times he bursts into applause and says “Yay!” when you say “would you like a cookie?” He also does this if I ask him if he’d like to watch TV, sadly. I’m not sure if he’s confused — it is hard to tell when he combines “help” “please” and “more” and generally means all three!
• A one-off kind of thing or two… he’s responded in the affirmative when I said “Okay?” I believe he said “yayh!” He really gets and uses no. Most parents I think would cringe, but I’m enjoying it: we get to the heart of the matter much faster. He also recognized and repeated the number 8.
• Another thing that has grown from a less common occurrence to a daily occurrence is Ian running around the couch and yelling “GO!” every few seconds while doing so.
• The other night at bathtime, as Mama let the water go down the drain, Ian bent over to get his head closer to the drain, put one hand in front of his face and waved at the disappearing bath. “Bye bye!” he said.
• During a bad Monday when Ian woke up cranky, he specifically asked for a particular DVD to be put on the TV… “Coo Kee?” (I could tell he was confused as he was pointing at the TV.) “You mean Kiki, Ian?” “KEE KEE!”
There’s so much more to tell you, but to be honest I think I’ve forgotten some of it. That’s what happens when you don’t update the blog for a few weeks I guess. BAD DADA. BAD.
On August 12th, briefly distracted by the camera, Ian enjoys a video at home. This is probably the aforementioned Kiki, or perhaps Pocoyo… it might also be Baby’s First Signs. See this image larger.
On August 14th Ian discovered that what was usually in a kitchen cupboard had been replaced with something more play-worthy. “Uh-oh.” See this image larger.
Another in the series of Sunday-best outfits, this one from August 17th… you may remember the posts from earlier, his Sunday-best are church outfits. Here Ian is spinning around and around on his swing pole! See this image larger.
You’re not having fun are you Ian? I dunno if you’re allowed to have fun while we’re taking pictures! 😉 See this image larger.
He’s moving really fast these days, with a lot more accuracy and stability. When we rate his gross motor skills on a survey we take monthly, he’s always top-scoring. Still working on communication tho… See this image larger.
I think it is good to get as full a range of emotions as possible. This one? Sad. See this image larger.
When this picture was taken, I held the camera out and said “Say ‘Cheese.'” and he said “TCHEEEEEZ” right on cue, and extremely well. See this image larger.
Rediscovering the tupperware cabinet… how deep does this rabbit-hole go? See this image larger.
Later that same evening, Ian watches television patiently in his Mach 5 Nitro Burnin’ Yet Fluffy Pillow Dragster! See this image larger. 02:32:252008-08-21 02:32:25August Cliff Notes from Home
Ladies and Gentlemen… as you probably know, this week marks the beginning of Ian’s time in the “older toddler” room. There was, of course, a high brow, joyous ceremony to honor his step into a more mature world. I include a video of said ceremony at this link, enjoy!
Here’s the video, click here!
August Cliff Notes from Daycare
08/06/08 Daycare Report
08/07/08 Daycare Report
08/09/08 Daycare Report
08/13/08 Daycare Report
08/14/08 Daycare Report
08/15/08 Daycare Report
08/20/08 Daycare Report
08/20/08 Daycare INCIDENT Report
08/21/08 Daycare Report
08/21/08 Daycare INCIDENT Report
08/22/08 Daycare Report
Then there was this little bombshell:
After reading the graduation note, Melissa and I turned to each other with glum looks about him growing up too fast. I asked her “Do you think maybe instead of ‘Older Toddler’ they could move him to a room called ‘Freakishly Tall Infants?'”
And now some pics taken by the folks at daycare, from the 8/13/08 ice cream trip:
August Cliff Notes from Home
Wow. Seriously. I can’t even begin to remember all of the things Ian has learned to say and do over the last several weeks. He’s ramping up his communication skills in a huge way. He’s picked up on speech patterns — which allows him to not just mime words but deliver them under the proper context. Some examples:
• “Uwaka.” Doesn’t mean much to you, does it? Except that he says it after we say “thank you.” Get it? He’s saying “you’re welcome!”
• “Please” has become a lot more prevalent, particularly when a cookie is involved. You can also expect, at times, to have this accompanied by the sign-language for “please” and/or “help.” (Which I believe is for “help Mama get me a cookie, she’s not getting it nearly fast enough.”) Also at times he bursts into applause and says “Yay!” when you say “would you like a cookie?” He also does this if I ask him if he’d like to watch TV, sadly. I’m not sure if he’s confused — it is hard to tell when he combines “help” “please” and “more” and generally means all three!
• A one-off kind of thing or two… he’s responded in the affirmative when I said “Okay?” I believe he said “yayh!” He really gets and uses no. Most parents I think would cringe, but I’m enjoying it: we get to the heart of the matter much faster. He also recognized and repeated the number 8.
• Another thing that has grown from a less common occurrence to a daily occurrence is Ian running around the couch and yelling “GO!” every few seconds while doing so.
• The other night at bathtime, as Mama let the water go down the drain, Ian bent over to get his head closer to the drain, put one hand in front of his face and waved at the disappearing bath. “Bye bye!” he said.
• During a bad Monday when Ian woke up cranky, he specifically asked for a particular DVD to be put on the TV… “Coo Kee?” (I could tell he was confused as he was pointing at the TV.) “You mean Kiki, Ian?” “KEE KEE!”
There’s so much more to tell you, but to be honest I think I’ve forgotten some of it. That’s what happens when you don’t update the blog for a few weeks I guess. BAD DADA. BAD.