He said “shirt” tonight, which was pretty awesome. You could sense that he was sounding it out in his mouth. “S… ssirt.” He’ll get the h in there, give him time.
This entry is about bedtime! Well, ok more than just bedtime, but I did notice that the after-dinner Ian moments have been sorely lacking coverage. So here’s some of that!
September 20; to paraphrase a movie Melissa and I saw recently: A Father-To-Be “I wish I could still get that excited about [water.]” Already Father “I wish I could still get that excited about anything.” See this image larger.
Yep, he’s still laughing! I have to wonder just how bitter I’d have ended up without his smile and laugh. See this image larger.
Following Mama’s opening salvo of sticking-out-tongue faces; Ian does the same, but ups the ante with a double finger point! See this image larger.
He’s been a great boy, of course, but a little bit more rebellion happens every day. Something about this picture has me thinking about the terrible-twos. See this image larger.
Possible caption: “And then I picked up Da’s phone like this, and called my grandparents!” See this image larger.
They say in parenting magazines that this helps Ian brush his own teeth if he brushes somebody else’s. As the potential for a shared toothbrush is very real in such a scenario, Da does not participate. See this image larger.
I read Ian a bedtime story. Our favorite line in this one is “AND A KISS FOR MR. BEAAAR.” See this image larger.
The next night, the 21st, Ma reads a different book to Ian. Here he tries to pop bubbles on the page. (I’m not kidding… there’s a game I let him play on my phone where the bubbles look like that.) See this image larger.
Times like this… let me tell you; I thought I knew what awesome meant a long time ago. But this is it. See this image larger.
Here’s that dresser Gpa Dave re-finished… Ian laid his blanket down in there and tried to sleep for a second or two. See this image larger.
Let’s see if you can spot this signal and what it means: He’s put his head on his blanket in a laying down position, but still walks around with it smooshed to his face. (Answer: I’m really, seriously tired.) See this image larger.
Every night Ian clicks the lightswitch off. Melissa and I laughed about the timing on this shot. Literally a 100th of a second later, that light was off. And a few moments later, he was fast asleep. That’s it for now, see ya! See this image larger.
Ian is able to correctly identify the following classmates from his younger toddler class. (That’s his old class… some of these kids have moved up with him, some have not.)
Miley – (“Miyey” and/or a perfect “Mylee”)
Jacob – (“Cub”)
Gage – (perfectly – “Gayg”)
He’s taken to just calling Melissa “Ma!” and I’m “Da!” I know we all know that I’m not the manliest of men, so it should come as no surprise that I well up with tears sometimes when he comes running to me across the daycare room floor, pointing and shouting “Da! Da! Da!” Just yesterday he saw me through the office window (he was outside) and he excitedly ran to the deck and through the door to meet me inside. It was interesting to see how well he understood where inside and outside of the house mesh up, so to speak.
At the church nursery there was a moment where I set him down in the play area, and he stood shyly for a moment. He looked up at me for guidance. “You’re alright kiddo. We’re going to be back in just a bit. I think there’s some trains over there if you want to play?” And he looked cautious but a bit more brave… and ran over and played with the trains. (He’d been there before — so I don’t know what was up with that. But it was neat to be able to talk him down from being nervous.)
Several grandparents received unintended phone calls from Ian as he played with my cell phone the other day. Sorry about that! 🙂
I know there’s more about talking and learning. He’s been moving so fast in that arena lately that it is hard to keep up!
https://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svg00vrbfwhttps://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svgvrbfw2008-09-24 11:11:572008-09-24 11:11:57Names and Faces
It is crazy watching Ian learn — I think he’s focusing a little less on motor skills (which he has in droves already) and is turning his attention toward communication.
Hat, cat, bike, back, book, ball, clock, cat, duck, kitty, door, up, please, cheese, dirt, mama, dada, eyes, socks, (more like “zocks”) nose… I know that’s not everything. He’s said so much, and obviously much of this he’s said before, but you need to hear how very clearly he’s speaking most of these, and there’s a frame of reference. He’s not parroting. He’s correctly naming by pointing, gesturing, or signing.
And add to that list a few sentences now:
“Cat go awayee” (Cat go away) Spoken as a kind of narrative, I guess, he was trying to explain what just happened, that the cat had run from him to hide upstairs. I believe that was on the 13th.
On the 15th, Ian dropped a puff into his high-chair and couldn’t find it. “Ware diyi go?” he asked. (Where did it go?) This one was impressive.
Also of note, about a week ago we asked Ian where he hurt and he pointed to his ears. (I believe that’s passed now based on his recovery, but I truly hope he can keep up communicating about this. Nothing sucks worse than not knowing how to help the poor kid.
Over the last several days, Ian surprised Melissa and I both by pointing at the letter “A” on blocks or in books and saying, again very clearly, “A.” No other letters. Just A.
UPDATE – Ok so tonight, the 19th, we took him out to eat (where he and another little boy a bit older than he made friends) and then over to a bookstore. On the way to the restaurant, we ended up driving west into the setting sun, and from the backseat an irritated Ian exclaimed “Eyes!” Probably his way of saying “hey that’s a little hard on the eyes.” At the restaurant they serve squeeze tubes of yogurt to as part of a kid’s meal, with a picture of a cow on it. Ian points and says “moooo.”
At the bookstore they had a multitude of stuffed animals and other toys. To a stuffed steam engine he said “toot toot!” To a bear he says “Bahr!” To a little girl he said “guhl.” And to Clifford, whom everybody knows is the infamous big red dog? He said something that sounded a whole lot like “Red dog.” (Probably more like “reg gog.”)
Here’s a shot from my iPhone from the bookstore trip, just added in for kicks. See this image larger.
https://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svg00vrbfwhttps://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svgvrbfw2008-09-20 01:11:462008-09-20 01:11:46From Signs to Sentences
Nighttime Rituals
He said “shirt” tonight, which was pretty awesome. You could sense that he was sounding it out in his mouth. “S… ssirt.” He’ll get the h in there, give him time.
This entry is about bedtime! Well, ok more than just bedtime, but I did notice that the after-dinner Ian moments have been sorely lacking coverage. So here’s some of that!
Names and Faces
Ian is able to correctly identify the following classmates from his younger toddler class. (That’s his old class… some of these kids have moved up with him, some have not.)
Miley – (“Miyey” and/or a perfect “Mylee”)
Jacob – (“Cub”)
Gage – (perfectly – “Gayg”)
He’s taken to just calling Melissa “Ma!” and I’m “Da!” I know we all know that I’m not the manliest of men, so it should come as no surprise that I well up with tears sometimes when he comes running to me across the daycare room floor, pointing and shouting “Da! Da! Da!” Just yesterday he saw me through the office window (he was outside) and he excitedly ran to the deck and through the door to meet me inside. It was interesting to see how well he understood where inside and outside of the house mesh up, so to speak.
At the church nursery there was a moment where I set him down in the play area, and he stood shyly for a moment. He looked up at me for guidance. “You’re alright kiddo. We’re going to be back in just a bit. I think there’s some trains over there if you want to play?” And he looked cautious but a bit more brave… and ran over and played with the trains. (He’d been there before — so I don’t know what was up with that. But it was neat to be able to talk him down from being nervous.)
Several grandparents received unintended phone calls from Ian as he played with my cell phone the other day. Sorry about that! 🙂
I know there’s more about talking and learning. He’s been moving so fast in that arena lately that it is hard to keep up!
From Signs to Sentences
It is crazy watching Ian learn — I think he’s focusing a little less on motor skills (which he has in droves already) and is turning his attention toward communication.
Hat, cat, bike, back, book, ball, clock, cat, duck, kitty, door, up, please, cheese, dirt, mama, dada, eyes, socks, (more like “zocks”) nose… I know that’s not everything. He’s said so much, and obviously much of this he’s said before, but you need to hear how very clearly he’s speaking most of these, and there’s a frame of reference. He’s not parroting. He’s correctly naming by pointing, gesturing, or signing.
And add to that list a few sentences now:
“Cat go awayee” (Cat go away) Spoken as a kind of narrative, I guess, he was trying to explain what just happened, that the cat had run from him to hide upstairs. I believe that was on the 13th.
On the 15th, Ian dropped a puff into his high-chair and couldn’t find it. “Ware diyi go?” he asked. (Where did it go?) This one was impressive.
Also of note, about a week ago we asked Ian where he hurt and he pointed to his ears. (I believe that’s passed now based on his recovery, but I truly hope he can keep up communicating about this. Nothing sucks worse than not knowing how to help the poor kid.
Over the last several days, Ian surprised Melissa and I both by pointing at the letter “A” on blocks or in books and saying, again very clearly, “A.” No other letters. Just A.
UPDATE – Ok so tonight, the 19th, we took him out to eat (where he and another little boy a bit older than he made friends) and then over to a bookstore. On the way to the restaurant, we ended up driving west into the setting sun, and from the backseat an irritated Ian exclaimed “Eyes!” Probably his way of saying “hey that’s a little hard on the eyes.” At the restaurant they serve squeeze tubes of yogurt to as part of a kid’s meal, with a picture of a cow on it. Ian points and says “moooo.”
At the bookstore they had a multitude of stuffed animals and other toys. To a stuffed steam engine he said “toot toot!” To a bear he says “Bahr!” To a little girl he said “guhl.” And to Clifford, whom everybody knows is the infamous big red dog? He said something that sounded a whole lot like “Red dog.” (Probably more like “reg gog.”)