Later that same day, Ian and Gma Sue colored a picture in a coloring book. This was kind of funny because I told Ian to “stand right there, hold this, look at Grandma Sue… and smile.” He listened to his Da quite nicely, and Gma Sue pulled off a wonderful shot! See this image larger.
Directly after the last shot, perhaps a better smile? They’re all good! See this image larger.
October 12th, Gma Sue wanted to go out and experience a little bit of fall while the weather was warming up, so we went to a nearby cider mill. They had animals to pet, and some other fun things to do. Ian found this toddler-sized tricycle and was immediately enamored… See this image larger.
…until Ian spotted something else to check out… (I like his confidence here, he’s walking like he owns the place!) See this image larger.
This was some kind of OSHA dis-approved fun-ride for kids involving a bouncy tow behind a three-wheeler bounding over the trench-like farmland around the mill… Ian and Ma went together and had a good time! Melissa mentioned that while he was interested for a bit, watching the scenery flying by, he got bored enough to swivel the cow’s head a few times and say “mooo!” See this image larger.
Here there was a wide-open field filled with pumpkins, and Ian sped up to run free like a greyhound unleashed. There were three really solid thuds during the trip, as Ian’s feet found the old pumpkin vines in the dusty soil; his hat saved him from minor injuries, just a note to self. See this image larger.
“Woman allegedly adopts pumpkin as her egg, attempts to hatch. Details at 11.” See this image larger.
At dinner one night, Ian used a to-go box to show us all what he would look like as an extra in a Flash Gordon re-make. See this image larger. 16:27:272008-10-24 16:27:27Grandma Sue Brings the Florida Sunshine, Part II
Hi all, sorry about the delay on the updates! The good news is that I’m starting all kinds of fun stuff, more info to follow…
So at first we figured that Grandma Sue couldn’t have picked a worse week to visit, when Ian started throwing up all over the place. He was still very good, almost casual, about it, however, so it wasn’t too bad. It also wasn’t very long before he was healthy and in fine spirits. On top of this the sun came out and stayed out for the majority of her visit, and it warmed up very nice.
Without further ado, here’s how it went!
Ian, Ma and Da all look up Gma Sue’s flight itinerary on their laptops. “Yup, she’ll be here soon!” When she got into town, I took her to pick up Ian… he was very excited to see us! Ian and Ma and I had rehearsed the word “Sue” before her arrival, but we weren’t sure how it would stick. Well a few moments after we were hanging out, Ian suddenly seemed to put it all together. “SOO!” See this image larger.
The 12th of October, still not feeling great at this point, Ian and Da consider something on the television. The thinker, and thinker jr., I guess! A funny moment — Ian whined until Gramma Sue handed over the television remote, and Ian matter-of-factly put it where it belonged… in Da’s lap. See this image larger.
Later that day he was ready for some fresh air. Here Ian explains where thar be treasure. See this image larger.
We aren’t the kind of people to put our kid on a leash. Apparently we reserve that honor for our cat only. Here Ian takes off like a shot, putter and wedge in tow. See this image larger.
“Ah you’ve brought me my drink, this cruise ship has all the amenities!” See this image larger.
Peek-a-boo! What else has this kid said? Cow, moo, car, meow, dog, bark, plane, sheep, bah, Barb, Chris, e-i-e-i-o, moo, bird, and borrowing from his parent’s political agenda – clapped his hands… “O-ba-ma.” See this image larger. 17:11:272008-10-22 17:11:27Grandma Sue Brings the Florida Sunshine, Part I
Yesterday we lost Jerry Thiebert. Jerry was Grampa Dave’s best friend as far back as I can remember. We spent many a weekend in my childhood visiting the Thiebert home, out in a rural area on the east side of Michigan. I don’t even remember the name of the town, but I could tell you how to get there and I also remember the construction of their garage, grabbing lightning bugs out of the sky, the steps up to their door, and that their yard was a great place to play. My dad and Jerry had the kind of friendship I find enviable and have referenced often when talking to the best of my friends. Jerry was quick witted and even more quick with a smile and laugh, and from the perspective of the little boy I was — I kind of saw my dad and Jerry as each other’s side kick; neither taking the spotlight from the other — two Robins that didn’t need a Batman. Jerry succumbed to cancer that he’d been fighting for years, having fought it long enough to get a glimpse of his new grandchild. While I didn’t stay all that close to Jerry or his kids over the years, I can say with certainty that the world wakes up this morning minus one of the good guys. Our condolences to Jerry’s family – he will be missed. 09:36:542008-10-16 09:36:54Farewell Jerry
Grandma Sue Brings the Florida Sunshine, Part II
Grandma Sue Brings the Florida Sunshine, Part I
Hi all, sorry about the delay on the updates! The good news is that I’m starting all kinds of fun stuff, more info to follow…
So at first we figured that Grandma Sue couldn’t have picked a worse week to visit, when Ian started throwing up all over the place. He was still very good, almost casual, about it, however, so it wasn’t too bad. It also wasn’t very long before he was healthy and in fine spirits. On top of this the sun came out and stayed out for the majority of her visit, and it warmed up very nice.
Without further ado, here’s how it went!
Farewell Jerry
Yesterday we lost Jerry Thiebert. Jerry was Grampa Dave’s best friend as far back as I can remember. We spent many a weekend in my childhood visiting the Thiebert home, out in a rural area on the east side of Michigan. I don’t even remember the name of the town, but I could tell you how to get there and I also remember the construction of their garage, grabbing lightning bugs out of the sky, the steps up to their door, and that their yard was a great place to play. My dad and Jerry had the kind of friendship I find enviable and have referenced often when talking to the best of my friends. Jerry was quick witted and even more quick with a smile and laugh, and from the perspective of the little boy I was — I kind of saw my dad and Jerry as each other’s side kick; neither taking the spotlight from the other — two Robins that didn’t need a Batman. Jerry succumbed to cancer that he’d been fighting for years, having fought it long enough to get a glimpse of his new grandchild. While I didn’t stay all that close to Jerry or his kids over the years, I can say with certainty that the world wakes up this morning minus one of the good guys. Our condolences to Jerry’s family – he will be missed.