When Ian goes down for a nap, one of three things generally happens. The smartest thing that could happen is that Melissa and I would take a nap to try to get a fraction of the energy necessary to keep up with out child’s recharging batteries. Usually I decide to go play video games, or work. But this day we decided it was time to get out the Christmas tree and set it up. And this is no three hour task. Furniture is moved, floors are vacuumed, gates are reoriented, dead Christmas tree lights are tossed aside and quickly replaced by energy efficient LEDs. So you can imagine Ian’s surprise when he awoke to find all of this work completed… he went upstairs leaving the old living room, he came downstairs to a slightly new world.
Ooooh, somebody’s still a little sleepy. See anything different kiddo? See this image larger.
https://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svg00vrbfwhttps://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svgvrbfw2008-11-25 22:29:282008-11-25 22:29:28It’s Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas
Being a bad Da takes practice and excuses. Ian has always imitated my car’s engine while we’ve been in the car, and made the same noise with his little toy cars… he always tries to get in the driver’s seat when I pick him up from daycare and don’t directly place him in the baby seat. So… I figured he should see what a car handles like the safest way I know how… video games.
This is his first time on the Xbox360, particularly the wheel peripheral. It’s pretty early in the morning, so forgive my disheveled appearance. See this image larger.
I think everybody that’s seen this picture has fallen in love with it. I’m not sure what it is that’s so appealing. Gpa Dave got an early glance and said he liked the relaxed grip of Ian’s hand on the wheel. I like the anticipation on his face… “This is fun! Oh but there’s a turn coming…” See this image larger.
Overall he had fun, but his interest did not last long. And that’s probably a good reaction if you ask me. I don’t want to get him too attached to games, but it is something I do as a hobby, and I’d like him to at least understand why his Da likes them. See this image larger.
We decided to let Ma give it a try with Ian too, just for kicks. It was funny how he picked up the wheel with one hand, looked at me as cute as he could, and pointed to the blank television screen saying “Curz?” (“Cars?”) See this image larger.
Here’s a little something I call “the incident.” It occurred on November 11th… I happened to catch this on audio, but it doesn’t do it justice without a transcript and a bit more narration… Click here to hear the clip. And here’s what you’ll be hearing –
Ian – “Mommy!” “Naaa.” (Ian hits Mama, not accidentally, but not quite realizing the ramifications of what he has done until she looks at him.)
Ma corrects Ian, and I do as well… the words of the adults are not the focus here though…
Ian – (His eyes are as big as dinner plates at this point, as the prospect of braving the cruel Michigan winter living out of a Pampers box on the street slowly dawns on him.) “I’m sowwy. Love you. Sowwy. Sowwwwy. “
One other note, unrelated but interesting: Ian wiped his own nose, and then walked over and put the tissue in the trash. Our trash has a lid, but he figured it out, of course. It was impressive on many levels. This was pretty much a one time occurrence, but we’re hoping for more!
Footy pajamas are probably one of life’s most unique pleasures in that they make you feel warm and snuggly just seeing a cute kid wearing them. See this image larger.
Speaking of warm, Ian’s in full winter regalia here, from boots to mittens, and snow pants. Was the 3 minute walk worth the 10 minute battle of suiting up? As long as he’s happy, yes. See this image larger.
Ever wonder how they make those mirror “disco” balls? Just let a 22 month old near a roll of tin foil for 5 seconds. See this image larger.
https://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svg00vrbfwhttps://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svgvrbfw2008-11-22 03:06:592008-11-22 03:06:59The Incident (and other stories)
It’s Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas
When Ian goes down for a nap, one of three things generally happens. The smartest thing that could happen is that Melissa and I would take a nap to try to get a fraction of the energy necessary to keep up with out child’s recharging batteries. Usually I decide to go play video games, or work. But this day we decided it was time to get out the Christmas tree and set it up. And this is no three hour task. Furniture is moved, floors are vacuumed, gates are reoriented, dead Christmas tree lights are tossed aside and quickly replaced by energy efficient LEDs. So you can imagine Ian’s surprise when he awoke to find all of this work completed… he went upstairs leaving the old living room, he came downstairs to a slightly new world.
Mario Iandretti
Being a bad Da takes practice and excuses. Ian has always imitated my car’s engine while we’ve been in the car, and made the same noise with his little toy cars… he always tries to get in the driver’s seat when I pick him up from daycare and don’t directly place him in the baby seat. So… I figured he should see what a car handles like the safest way I know how… video games.
The Incident (and other stories)
Here’s a little something I call “the incident.” It occurred on November 11th… I happened to catch this on audio, but it doesn’t do it justice without a transcript and a bit more narration… Click here to hear the clip. And here’s what you’ll be hearing –
One other note, unrelated but interesting: Ian wiped his own nose, and then walked over and put the tissue in the trash. Our trash has a lid, but he figured it out, of course. It was impressive on many levels. This was pretty much a one time occurrence, but we’re hoping for more!