Finally, here are the videos I promised everybody.
The first one is of Ian and Kaylee at their cutest. Click here to see the video, of the “two man horse.” (Watch it once without reading this and I’ll point out a couple things on your second time through… Notice that the horse stops to pick up a boat? It also stops for Ian to pick up a blanket… if you turn up your volume you can hear him exclaim “blankey!” as it comes into view. A moment later you hear me laugh and as Grandma Barb comes into view “Gramma!”
The second movie is not for the feint of heart. This is Connor singing “Who Wants to be my Girlfriend?” I did my best to match his radical musical styling with crazy and chaotic camera direction. Great Grandma Chapman, I think you can skip this one. (I will say that you might love Ian’s reaction. Something about the timing of those claps…) Mostly I wanted to make sure Mel and Ben had access to this for when Connor brings home his prom date in 10 or so years. 😉 Check out “Connor Sings!” here.
Yep, I’m still catching up with Thanksgiving! So many pictures! Now where were we? Oh yes, the evening of the 28th… It’s time to switch into some PJ’s!
Ian on keyboards, Connor on vocals… singing his first platinum single “Who wants to be my girlfriend?” (I’ve got video of Connor performing this, which is certainly blog-worthy at some point in the future 🙂 ) See this image larger.
Connor and I chill out between rounds of Lego Batman for Playstation2. See this image larger.
Grandma Barb and Ian cuddle up for a nice picture, and then it’s time… See this image larger.
A wonderful shot. I love my kid in footy pajamas… he gets so many hugs in those its a wonder he ever gets to go to sleep. See this image larger.
Uh oh, Kaylee and her Aunt Melissa are almost down for the night… See this image larger.
“Kunnur? Kunnur!? Sorry to wake you but I need a red foam block like the one you’re lying on. I need two. No I don’t see another.” In actuality if I remember correctly, Ian may have helped supply these blocks to needy weary heads. See this image larger.
The morning of the 29th and cousin Connor helps Uncle Ben put up the outside lights… I’m glad we did get a picture of Ben in here somewhere, seems like I always manage to miss somebody per trip. See this image larger.
“Then a day or two after Thanksgiving, Grampa Ray came to say ‘Reindeer with your coat so bright, won’t you light the lawn tonight…'” See this image larger.
I believe it was the 29th when we headed on home to Grand Rapids. To be honest the ride home was an 8.5 hour white-knuckle scare-a-thon, from low visibility rain and fog in Ohio to blizzards from central to west Michigan where top speed was 55mph. It was bad. Very bad. Still when we got back it didn’t stop Ian from saying “Kunnur? Kayee? mmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmm beep beep!” This was his way of saying he was already ready to go back so that he could see his favorite cousins! 23:33:082008-12-13 23:33:08Giving Thanks in Ohio 2008, Part V
I think it was Melissa that came up with the idea of seeing how Ian liked this rocking pony. He loved it immediately. See this image larger.
The winning shot as far as I’m concerned. Would have been nice to get them looking at the camera, but one takes what one can get when there’s three hyperactive minds ready to rebel at any moment! 😉 See this image larger. 20:54:302008-12-12 20:54:30Giving Thanks in Ohio 2008, Part IV
Thanksgiving 2008 Epilogue
Finally, here are the videos I promised everybody.
The first one is of Ian and Kaylee at their cutest. Click here to see the video, of the “two man horse.” (Watch it once without reading this and I’ll point out a couple things on your second time through… Notice that the horse stops to pick up a boat? It also stops for Ian to pick up a blanket… if you turn up your volume you can hear him exclaim “blankey!” as it comes into view. A moment later you hear me laugh and as Grandma Barb comes into view “Gramma!”
The second movie is not for the feint of heart. This is Connor singing “Who Wants to be my Girlfriend?” I did my best to match his radical musical styling with crazy and chaotic camera direction. Great Grandma Chapman, I think you can skip this one. (I will say that you might love Ian’s reaction. Something about the timing of those claps…) Mostly I wanted to make sure Mel and Ben had access to this for when Connor brings home his prom date in 10 or so years. 😉 Check out “Connor Sings!” here.
Giving Thanks in Ohio 2008, Part V
Yep, I’m still catching up with Thanksgiving! So many pictures! Now where were we? Oh yes, the evening of the 28th… It’s time to switch into some PJ’s!
I believe it was the 29th when we headed on home to Grand Rapids. To be honest the ride home was an 8.5 hour white-knuckle scare-a-thon, from low visibility rain and fog in Ohio to blizzards from central to west Michigan where top speed was 55mph. It was bad. Very bad. Still when we got back it didn’t stop Ian from saying “Kunnur? Kayee? mmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmm beep beep!” This was his way of saying he was already ready to go back so that he could see his favorite cousins!
Giving Thanks in Ohio 2008, Part IV
Ah finally the photoshoot… This is still the 28th, for the record.