News: He’s crazily independent already, insisting on walking through the garage on his own… and doing things like walking up the stairs and counting them as he walks; because he simply wants to. In the car last night he began naming off animals and the sounds they make. Let me stress the difference: Nobody was asking him what an animal’s name was, or what sound they typically make. He just started ticking them off in his head, and putting the list to words. “Mooo. Cow. Horsey. Neighghghgh.” (He does a great neigh… there’s a little whinny in it.) This morning we tried to feed him a banana and he wouldn’t eat it unless he fed it to himself. We literally have to stick the portion of the banana that was given to him back on the fruit that is still in the peel. (I admit it is also incredibly hard to distinguish between “I’m don’t want what you’re offering me” and “I will only take what you’re offering me if I can feed it to myself.” A few times he’s said “I help.” which is his way of saying “I can do this myself.”) He also takes initiative to do things like clean up, now. He saw I left a game controller out last night so today said “Game.” “I back.” And put it “back” where it belongs, in a container under the couch.
Alright so now let’s go back in time again… This is at Grampa Dave and Grandma Marcia’s on February 14th, the promised “goodnight kisses” video. You may recall I mentioned this back when I showed a photo that Grampa Dave takes during this video clip. At long last, here it is!
News: So I guess the other day Melissa brought Ian into daycare early. Ian was there with another boy, and the two of them got out all of the toys. Well as the other kids began to filter in, Ian was not very good at sharing, and apparently there was a lot of “MINE!!!!” going on. If you think about it from his perspective, it makes sense. Usually he shows up, each child has his/her toys kind of picked out, and you get the leftovers… but what if you were first and played with ALL the toys? This is akin to licking all the candy or cookies in a package, I would guess.
Ok so in this audio clip, which was recorded on February 9th, Ian is bringing me various items and running off to go get more, of course. At the very end, right after you hear me say “Ready?” you’ll hear him help me count to ten… It may even require headphones for you to be able to make it out, but he takes over at around four and goes to ten… then he starts making up words, I think… unless “Bob” is a number I haven’t learned yet. Then I say “let’s start over again” and he counts from two to five, all very clear.
News: Ian is 35 inches tall… that’s almost 3 feet. Which is nuts. When did that happen?
Still catching up: Alright so if you haven’t seen this yet, you probably read about it a few entries ago. This is a very large video, weighing in at 4.7 MB, so it is pretty big, but prepare to hear Ian trying his best to sing the alphabet! For the record, this video was shot on February 5th, 2009.
Listen carefully for the wxyz… you’ll see his tongue hit his upper teeth when he hits “x” and on the first go around you can tell when he hits the “now I know my ABCs” bit. It is so awesome to see him learning. As of the morning of the 22nd, he’s got a-b-c-d-e and w-x-y-z down pat, and clear as a bell.
Goodnight Kisses
News: He’s crazily independent already, insisting on walking through the garage on his own… and doing things like walking up the stairs and counting them as he walks; because he simply wants to. In the car last night he began naming off animals and the sounds they make. Let me stress the difference: Nobody was asking him what an animal’s name was, or what sound they typically make. He just started ticking them off in his head, and putting the list to words. “Mooo. Cow. Horsey. Neighghghgh.” (He does a great neigh… there’s a little whinny in it.) This morning we tried to feed him a banana and he wouldn’t eat it unless he fed it to himself. We literally have to stick the portion of the banana that was given to him back on the fruit that is still in the peel. (I admit it is also incredibly hard to distinguish between “I’m don’t want what you’re offering me” and “I will only take what you’re offering me if I can feed it to myself.” A few times he’s said “I help.” which is his way of saying “I can do this myself.”) He also takes initiative to do things like clean up, now. He saw I left a game controller out last night so today said “Game.” “I back.” And put it “back” where it belongs, in a container under the couch.
Alright so now let’s go back in time again… This is at Grampa Dave and Grandma Marcia’s on February 14th, the promised “goodnight kisses” video. You may recall I mentioned this back when I showed a photo that Grampa Dave takes during this video clip. At long last, here it is!
Click here to see the video, it is 1.4 MB in size.
Counting… kinda
News: So I guess the other day Melissa brought Ian into daycare early. Ian was there with another boy, and the two of them got out all of the toys. Well as the other kids began to filter in, Ian was not very good at sharing, and apparently there was a lot of “MINE!!!!” going on. If you think about it from his perspective, it makes sense. Usually he shows up, each child has his/her toys kind of picked out, and you get the leftovers… but what if you were first and played with ALL the toys? This is akin to licking all the candy or cookies in a package, I would guess.
Ok so in this audio clip, which was recorded on February 9th, Ian is bringing me various items and running off to go get more, of course. At the very end, right after you hear me say “Ready?” you’ll hear him help me count to ten… It may even require headphones for you to be able to make it out, but he takes over at around four and goes to ten… then he starts making up words, I think… unless “Bob” is a number I haven’t learned yet. Then I say “let’s start over again” and he counts from two to five, all very clear.
Here is the audio clip, enjoy! It is 3.3 MB in size.
ABC’s… Kinda
News: Ian is 35 inches tall… that’s almost 3 feet. Which is nuts. When did that happen?
Still catching up: Alright so if you haven’t seen this yet, you probably read about it a few entries ago. This is a very large video, weighing in at 4.7 MB, so it is pretty big, but prepare to hear Ian trying his best to sing the alphabet! For the record, this video was shot on February 5th, 2009.
Listen carefully for the wxyz… you’ll see his tongue hit his upper teeth when he hits “x” and on the first go around you can tell when he hits the “now I know my ABCs” bit. It is so awesome to see him learning. As of the morning of the 22nd, he’s got a-b-c-d-e and w-x-y-z down pat, and clear as a bell.
Click here to watch Ian singing the ABC’s!!! Kinda.