Here’s some recent news: On April 21st, Ian counted to eleven… and then started back at eight. If you listen carefully to him doing this, you can tell why he does so… eleven sounds like seven… so he ends up in a loop! 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 8, 9, 10…
April 21st was also a major step forward on the manners front… we’re hearing please without request sometimes!
And now back to Grandma Sue’s visit!!
Empty wipe tubs recycled here as a sort of skating shoe… he came up with this on his own. See this image larger.
Ian’s “all done!” gesture, captured by his mommy! He’s done playing this iPhone game. See this image larger.
Here is part of why Ian got so attached to Grandma Sue… she read him bedtime stories! (I’ve got to mention that it was funny the night we forgot Granny’s glasses downstairs… we quietly fed her the lines of each book… which Melissa and I have apparently memorized!) See this image larger.
Toward the end of her trip, Ian had Grandma pretty well trained — and I wanted it to always be Grandma’s turn to read! See this image larger.
It’s easy to lose track of some of the things that happened, but around here the audio clip I posted earlier happened, when he counted to 10 and talked about recycling. 08:11:452009-04-22 08:11:45Granny Sue Plays Easter Bunny, Part II
On April 2nd, Grandma Sue landed in Grand Rapids and we settled her into her room for the week. And what a great week it was… it had just the right balance of activity to sitting-around chatting… Ian started off sick but got over it quickly… and there was a lot of fun to be had in general. I’m going to say that Ian became very attached to Granny Sue, almost immediately… when we picked up Ian from daycare he recognized Gramma Sue right off the bat, and she got a nice hug.
On April 3rd, Ian awoke a little out of it, and insisted napping ON his daddy. I’ve got a picture with Seth, our cat that looks like this too, from many years ago. Apparently I’m good mattress material. See this image larger.
Funny to see him playing with this toy, something his little form fit inside of so easily right after he was born. See this image larger.
On the fourth of April, Grandma Sue joined us for a visit to Meijer Gardens for their annual butterfly hatching exhibit. We all had a great time! Grandma Sue took this shot, and I was standing next to her, so I ended up with a similar shot… to be honest I couldn’t decide which I liked better… See this image larger.
He loves the outings where we just let him run. There’s a kind of wildness in his eyes when he realizes we’re going to set him free… and the sheer speed he is capable of leaves us breathless — on so many levels. See this image larger.
Meijer Gardens wouldn’t be a garden without the flowers, of course… here’s a nice shot of one of them! See this image larger.
Ian spies the plastic barrette in this girl’s hair and waits for it to take to the air! See this image larger.
This adorable boy is currently blocking the fire-exits… move along please. (Nice shot, Gramma Sue!) See this image larger. 13:31:332009-04-19 13:31:33Granny Sue Plays Easter Bunny, Part I
Granny Sue Plays Easter Bunny, Part II
Here’s some recent news: On April 21st, Ian counted to eleven… and then started back at eight. If you listen carefully to him doing this, you can tell why he does so… eleven sounds like seven… so he ends up in a loop! 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 8, 9, 10…
April 21st was also a major step forward on the manners front… we’re hearing please without request sometimes!
And now back to Grandma Sue’s visit!!
It’s easy to lose track of some of the things that happened, but around here the audio clip I posted earlier happened, when he counted to 10 and talked about recycling.
Happy Birthday, Grandma Marcia!
Guess what today is everybody? Gramma Mawshaw’s b-day!
Here’s a recorded message from Ian, weighing in at a half a MB…
Hope you have a terrific day today! 🙂
Granny Sue Plays Easter Bunny, Part I
On April 2nd, Grandma Sue landed in Grand Rapids and we settled her into her room for the week. And what a great week it was… it had just the right balance of activity to sitting-around chatting… Ian started off sick but got over it quickly… and there was a lot of fun to be had in general. I’m going to say that Ian became very attached to Granny Sue, almost immediately… when we picked up Ian from daycare he recognized Gramma Sue right off the bat, and she got a nice hug.