So, we got home and Ian was fine for a bit. At some point I think it sinks in that he can’t ask anyone for a boat ride, that he’s down to just his parents — and they are watching his behavior very closely. He got in a bit of a funk, and I admit I did as well.
At dinner, he blew a fit. He did not want black beans and rice, which is one of the first “real food” meals that he fell in love with, and subsequently somehow began to dislike. We explained to him that this was the stuff he loved, that this is the stuff he eats by the greedy handful at Taco Bell but that perhaps has a few more spices in it. He was just not happy with anything. I thought for a minute and grabbed his plate. Added a packet of Taco Bell taco sauce from a meal long ago, and mixed it up with the rice. He still wouldn’t try it at first, but you could kind of see reason catching up with him. He suddenly said “I try it… I LIKE it!” (Hard to say for sure, but I think he might have been sort of imitating the little skit that Melissa and I sometimes put on for Ian to make it look like I tried something and like it…) In this case, it actually worked; he tried it and really DID like it. Ate a whole plate and asked for more!
Here’s an audio clip of a bed-time story Melissa read to Ian one of the nights during the Fawn Island trip. Melissa does a nice job of repeating what he says, so you should be able to figure it out… but the short of it is, he’s getting smarter and his communication becomes clearer every day. This book is called No No Yes Yes. Things to listen for:
“Dumpin food on hi’ hed!”
Shortly after he says the above, he says “No, No” and you can hear an emphasis that is different from the others. It is the emphasis of an adult — sounds like his mommy’s.
“Drawing on the wall.”
“Drawing on the paper.”
“No no no, picking onna nose, onna tissue.” (Don’t pick your nose use a tissue) This is particularly awesome, because without any help other than the drawing, he supplies what the child SHOULD do, on his own.
Remember, his Fs come out as Ps sometimes. So “doggy’s pood” is “doggy’s food.”
There’s a large discussion trying to determine if the baby’s mother is in a few drawings.
“Is this his mommy?”
“This is his mommy.”
“Pet the kitty! Luv the kitty!”
“Kitty go to sleep and get a popsicle.”
“Read the bunny book.”
The clip weighs in at 6.1MB, so you might want to shy away from this one if you have a really slow connection. Click here to hear it! 22:25:082009-05-30 22:25:08Fawn Island, May 22 Trip, Epilogue
On the 25th, there was a final boat ride and if I’m remembering my days correctly, we had some excellent waffles… Grandma Marcia cooked all kinds of great stuff over the weekend, I should really learn to take a picture or two around meal time, but it is always the last thing on my mind when I’m stuffing my face!
So here’s the pictures we did end up with for the rest of the trip, mostly from Ian’s final boat ride before departure!
Another pic of Ian and Grampa Dave heading for the boat! History repeats!See this image larger.
…and then it was time for a blissful ride home, his body well-fed; visions of waffles and boat rides dancing in his head. See this image larger. 09:01:402009-05-30 09:01:40Fawn Island, May 22 Trip, Part III
The 24th and there was fun to be had! Ian really enjoyed “playing nn uh mats.” These cool mini mats with the alphabet cut into them like puzzle-pieces were a big hit with the little man! See this image larger.
The sideways “Z” looked better than the “N” because the people that made this product did not necessarily know the name of the intended child when they were choosing colors. We’ll write them an angry letter! 😉 See this image larger.
Ian moved into his new dwelling and took to it immediately… some renovations can be seen flying out of the “D” on the top of said house. See this image larger.
I had a choice, the shot where he’s not looking but waving (seen here) or I could choose the one where he’s looking but not waving or smiling. It isn’t easy running a blog. See this image larger.
This might be Ian’s first (recorded or otherwise) boat trip without being accompanied by his fretful Mommy or Daddy! Suffice to say there were naps to be had… Thanks Gramma Marcia and Grampa Dave for taking Ian on yet another safe boat cruise! See this image larger.
Again, there were shots where we were looking at the camera, but I like this one the best… Ian and I enjoying the use of Daddy’s iPhone as an educational toy. You should see him play the “shape builder” game, which is like an electronic puzzle… you literally won’t believe your eyes. See this image larger.
More soon! 12:46:482009-05-29 12:46:48Fawn Island, May 22 Trip, Part II
Fawn Island, May 22 Trip, Epilogue
So, we got home and Ian was fine for a bit. At some point I think it sinks in that he can’t ask anyone for a boat ride, that he’s down to just his parents — and they are watching his behavior very closely. He got in a bit of a funk, and I admit I did as well.
At dinner, he blew a fit. He did not want black beans and rice, which is one of the first “real food” meals that he fell in love with, and subsequently somehow began to dislike. We explained to him that this was the stuff he loved, that this is the stuff he eats by the greedy handful at Taco Bell but that perhaps has a few more spices in it. He was just not happy with anything. I thought for a minute and grabbed his plate. Added a packet of Taco Bell taco sauce from a meal long ago, and mixed it up with the rice. He still wouldn’t try it at first, but you could kind of see reason catching up with him. He suddenly said “I try it… I LIKE it!” (Hard to say for sure, but I think he might have been sort of imitating the little skit that Melissa and I sometimes put on for Ian to make it look like I tried something and like it…) In this case, it actually worked; he tried it and really DID like it. Ate a whole plate and asked for more!
Here’s an audio clip of a bed-time story Melissa read to Ian one of the nights during the Fawn Island trip. Melissa does a nice job of repeating what he says, so you should be able to figure it out… but the short of it is, he’s getting smarter and his communication becomes clearer every day. This book is called No No Yes Yes. Things to listen for:
The clip weighs in at 6.1MB, so you might want to shy away from this one if you have a really slow connection. Click here to hear it!
Fawn Island, May 22 Trip, Part III
On the 25th, there was a final boat ride and if I’m remembering my days correctly, we had some excellent waffles… Grandma Marcia cooked all kinds of great stuff over the weekend, I should really learn to take a picture or two around meal time, but it is always the last thing on my mind when I’m stuffing my face!
So here’s the pictures we did end up with for the rest of the trip, mostly from Ian’s final boat ride before departure!
Fawn Island, May 22 Trip, Part II
More soon!