11:21pm Melissa has safely landed in Grand Rapids… just a taxi ride away from home sweet home!
9:41pm I’m watching Melissa’s return flight on the web… the pilot is doing a nice job of staying just ahead of a storm front blowing through parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri. Her plane is currently above Little Rock. The storm that they’re skirting by has a nasty looking eye in it. Bring her home safe, please!
9:29am We ate a banana and two cereal bars again for breakfast… he looked like he was so peaceful while he was sleeping in the morning that I couldn’t wake him up. (I know, I know, get over it.) It was interesting to see that he woke up this morning on his bed, given that last night I eventually just let him sleep on the floor. He must have clambered back up into it in the middle of the night.
Drop off was fine. It was that same thing as the other day… I know he shouldn’t be capable of this much thought, but I swear he’s TRYING to look busy and happy to make ME feel better about leaving him. It’s the way he won’t quite look at me… or maybe he’s extremely hurt but doesn’t want to show it. I can’t tell. Probably better not to analyze it and just keep going.
Those of you keeping up with the story, Melissa comes home tonight, at around midnight. I’m going to use the web to show Ian where Mommy’s plane is, and move the “mommy” sticker on his map to that location, so that he gets an idea of why we get on planes, etc. I’m hoping I’m awake when Melissa’s taxi arrives — I’m really running low on energy.
https://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svg00vrbfwhttps://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svgvrbfw2009-06-10 08:23:352009-06-10 08:23:35Mister Mom, June Edition, Part IV
10:01pm Added some pictures, below. Ian was alright kinda tonight… I guess we have our ups and downs. We probably would have been ok if we hadn’t tried to squeeze a bath in — plus I think we’re both tired. Last night he wasn’t sleeping good, probably had to do with the diaper situation outlined in an earlier entry. Speaking of tired, I showed up at my hair appointment today a good twenty-four hours early. Maybe I should get some sleep. Goodnight Sweetie, don’t get used to Texas… come home soon.
I think in this picture I see more of me in him than in any other picture. Figures it would be while he’s being hypnotized by the television. (Alas, Daddy had to cook last night, and needed the distraction. Obviously it worked.) See this image larger.
This was actually taken on the fifth, but I just downloaded my camera and liked the shot. If I’m frowning it is because it is hard to take a picture with a big heavy camera in this particular position. See this image larger.
Each of the males in the Chapman house deals with Mommy’s absence in our own special way. Here the kitty simply gives up, sobbing in the corner. See this image larger.
This was taken today, Ian decided he was driving. He started the car, all by himself. I’m serious. Luckily you have to have your foot on the brake as well to get the car to start in such a way that you can actually move. See this image larger.
“A penny! My penny!” he said, and then inserted it into Melissa’s car’s air vent. Again I’m not kidding. I was able to get it back out with my thumb after saying “Noooooooooooo.” See this image larger.
Also today, after dinner Ian watched Elmo’s Potty Time DVD with rapt attention. (And it turns out he tried the potty today!!! Twice!!!) See this image larger.
I bought Ian a map a few days ago that is laminated… so then I made these little stickers for us to place on the map so he can see where people live. The arrows are in different corners so I can fit everybody on the map… (And also to make it so that people living in the same spot have arrows that meet there.) So far the results are a little mixed… he just seems to want to move people around. Grandma Barb, if you somehow find yourself transported to Missouri, I apologize for the inconvenience — just grab some souvenirs and hold on, you should be back in Florida shortly. 😉 See this image larger.
8:58am We got to breakfast in time this morning miraculously… there was one yellow light along the way that I pushed Mommy’s car through after making sure it was very clear. From the back seat I heard “Be careful Daddy.” And I blushed and slowed down.
Dropoff was almost too easy this morning… breakfast was being wheeled down the hall as we got there, Ian hopped behind the wheel of a firetruck, and after I told him several times that I was leaving and would pick him up without a response, I said good-bye to everybody else and left. Ian suddenly noticed I was heading out and waved with a quick “Bye Daddy!”
8:00am Ian had an accident last night of the “front end” variety. Right through his diaper, PJ’s, blankie, that quilt-like thing with the animals on it, and a bit on the sleeping bag like thing under that. @Melissa – I need advice on how to wash the sleeping bag, blankie and quilt, as soon as you read this! (To give it time to dry before he gets home.) (Last night he asked for a water refill, I gave it to him, not knowing he must have drank the whole container after I closed the door.)
He missed you this morning, Sweetie — I don’t want to make you feel guilty, but do want you to know that you are missed.
https://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svg00vrbfwhttps://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svgvrbfw2009-06-09 07:00:442009-06-09 07:00:44Mister Mom, June Edition, Part III
9:06pm Ian got to that point again where he was getting upset. As a parent it is hard to ignore your instincts. Your kid is telling you something he needs, you give it to him, right? In this case he really wanted to play soccer balls on the Wii, so it was pretty obvious somebody was stalling bedtime. He cried and howled and I calmly said “you need a blankie, and maybe a zooey.” He stopped howling and ran upstairs… it was funny listening to his story change too “I need blankie, I need soccer ball, I need blankie, I need zooey…” by the time he was at the top of the stairs he had forgotten about soccer balls, and was saying something about stickers, but mostly focused on the blanket and pacifier. I reminded myself that he’s two; he doesn’t always need what he wants, let alone know what he needs. Bedtime stories went great and he was an angel after the initial fit; so keeping a level head worked wonders tonight.
4:02pm Called his day care to make sure he was doing alright today (was thinking about picking him up early, if not) but they said he was doing fantastic!
9:31am Ian was up 4 or 5 times last night, seemed to do ok, though. Thunderstorm at 6am woke us both up, and we both went back to sleep, very tired.
We missed breakfast this morning at daycare so I fed Ian a banana and some cereal bars. We probably could have made it right on time if we just left immediately, but I didn’t want to chance that they’d be cleaning up right as I got there.
Packed his bag with entirely too much crap… the weather feels like it could go in any direction so I dressed him in pants and long sleeves, but put shorts and short-sleeves in the bag. Raincoat on his person, warm-up coat thingy in the bag.
This morning (the 8th) Ian and I watched about 5 minutes of Curious George before a quick breakfast, then out the door… See this image larger.
EDIT – Drop-off actually went very well, by the way. Ian kept coming back to me and hugging me, but in a friendly and happy way, and then just as nicely he was off to play with his classmates. A little girl gave him a hello hug, and he pointed at a drawing on the wall. The other kids almost seemed to flock to him. I left while his attention was off of me, but I actually did say good-bye as he was wandering around.
When I got back home I discovered that the dad’s group had moved their outside activity to Play World and felt a pang of guilt as I saw an alternative to today that I probably should have made happen playing out while I take a selfish day off.
Ok so these pictures are from June 7th, right after we dropped Mommy off at the airport… This stop and stop traffic can really get on one’s nerves. He had a helluva time passing that crocodile, and that merry-go-round is taking up at least two lanes. See this image larger.
But the real jaw dropper happened next. Look at the size of this slide!!! That little joint in the middle was taller than me… I bet that’s 15 feet to the top, easy. And yes that’s our little boy climbing to the very top! See this image larger.
But TWICE!!! And if you knew how long the delay is to take a picture on an iPhone, you’d realize how miraculous it is that I got a picture of this at all. See this image larger.
We went home and watched Mr. Woods “hit the ball in the hole” at The Memorial… See this image larger.
Ian won the coveted Green Popsicle award for a meal well-eaten, plus he tried a mushroom! See this image larger.
https://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svg00vrbfwhttps://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svgvrbfw2009-06-08 08:26:192009-06-08 08:26:19Mister Mom, June Edition, Part II
Mister Mom, June Edition, Part IV
11:21pm Melissa has safely landed in Grand Rapids… just a taxi ride away from home sweet home!
9:41pm I’m watching Melissa’s return flight on the web… the pilot is doing a nice job of staying just ahead of a storm front blowing through parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri. Her plane is currently above Little Rock. The storm that they’re skirting by has a nasty looking eye in it. Bring her home safe, please!
9:29am We ate a banana and two cereal bars again for breakfast… he looked like he was so peaceful while he was sleeping in the morning that I couldn’t wake him up. (I know, I know, get over it.) It was interesting to see that he woke up this morning on his bed, given that last night I eventually just let him sleep on the floor. He must have clambered back up into it in the middle of the night.
Drop off was fine. It was that same thing as the other day… I know he shouldn’t be capable of this much thought, but I swear he’s TRYING to look busy and happy to make ME feel better about leaving him. It’s the way he won’t quite look at me… or maybe he’s extremely hurt but doesn’t want to show it. I can’t tell. Probably better not to analyze it and just keep going.
Those of you keeping up with the story, Melissa comes home tonight, at around midnight. I’m going to use the web to show Ian where Mommy’s plane is, and move the “mommy” sticker on his map to that location, so that he gets an idea of why we get on planes, etc. I’m hoping I’m awake when Melissa’s taxi arrives — I’m really running low on energy.
Mister Mom, June Edition, Part III
10:01pm Added some pictures, below. Ian was alright kinda tonight… I guess we have our ups and downs. We probably would have been ok if we hadn’t tried to squeeze a bath in — plus I think we’re both tired. Last night he wasn’t sleeping good, probably had to do with the diaper situation outlined in an earlier entry. Speaking of tired, I showed up at my hair appointment today a good twenty-four hours early. Maybe I should get some sleep. Goodnight Sweetie, don’t get used to Texas… come home soon.
“A penny! My penny!” he said, and then inserted it into Melissa’s car’s air vent. Again I’m not kidding. I was able to get it back out with my thumb after saying “Noooooooooooo.” See this image larger.
8:58am We got to breakfast in time this morning miraculously… there was one yellow light along the way that I pushed Mommy’s car through after making sure it was very clear. From the back seat I heard “Be careful Daddy.” And I blushed and slowed down.
Dropoff was almost too easy this morning… breakfast was being wheeled down the hall as we got there, Ian hopped behind the wheel of a firetruck, and after I told him several times that I was leaving and would pick him up without a response, I said good-bye to everybody else and left. Ian suddenly noticed I was heading out and waved with a quick “Bye Daddy!”
8:00am Ian had an accident last night of the “front end” variety. Right through his diaper, PJ’s, blankie, that quilt-like thing with the animals on it, and a bit on the sleeping bag like thing under that. @Melissa – I need advice on how to wash the sleeping bag, blankie and quilt, as soon as you read this! (To give it time to dry before he gets home.) (Last night he asked for a water refill, I gave it to him, not knowing he must have drank the whole container after I closed the door.)
He missed you this morning, Sweetie — I don’t want to make you feel guilty, but do want you to know that you are missed.
Mister Mom, June Edition, Part II
9:06pm Ian got to that point again where he was getting upset. As a parent it is hard to ignore your instincts. Your kid is telling you something he needs, you give it to him, right? In this case he really wanted to play soccer balls on the Wii, so it was pretty obvious somebody was stalling bedtime. He cried and howled and I calmly said “you need a blankie, and maybe a zooey.” He stopped howling and ran upstairs… it was funny listening to his story change too “I need blankie, I need soccer ball, I need blankie, I need zooey…” by the time he was at the top of the stairs he had forgotten about soccer balls, and was saying something about stickers, but mostly focused on the blanket and pacifier. I reminded myself that he’s two; he doesn’t always need what he wants, let alone know what he needs. Bedtime stories went great and he was an angel after the initial fit; so keeping a level head worked wonders tonight.
4:02pm Called his day care to make sure he was doing alright today (was thinking about picking him up early, if not) but they said he was doing fantastic!
9:31am Ian was up 4 or 5 times last night, seemed to do ok, though. Thunderstorm at 6am woke us both up, and we both went back to sleep, very tired.
We missed breakfast this morning at daycare so I fed Ian a banana and some cereal bars. We probably could have made it right on time if we just left immediately, but I didn’t want to chance that they’d be cleaning up right as I got there.
Packed his bag with entirely too much crap… the weather feels like it could go in any direction so I dressed him in pants and long sleeves, but put shorts and short-sleeves in the bag. Raincoat on his person, warm-up coat thingy in the bag.
EDIT – Drop-off actually went very well, by the way. Ian kept coming back to me and hugging me, but in a friendly and happy way, and then just as nicely he was off to play with his classmates. A little girl gave him a hello hug, and he pointed at a drawing on the wall. The other kids almost seemed to flock to him. I left while his attention was off of me, but I actually did say good-bye as he was wandering around.
When I got back home I discovered that the dad’s group had moved their outside activity to Play World and felt a pang of guilt as I saw an alternative to today that I probably should have made happen playing out while I take a selfish day off.
Ok so these pictures are from June 7th, right after we dropped Mommy off at the airport…
This stop and stop traffic can really get on one’s nerves. He had a helluva time passing that crocodile, and that merry-go-round is taking up at least two lanes. See this image larger.