The final part of the 28th, I’m hoping to get some baeball video up for the “epilogue.” We shall see, big deadlines for Daddy this next week. Have patience please!
Some final moments with the cousins and the swingset before bedtime… Ian’s all grins! See this image larger.
I won’t lie, the only way I got Ian and Kaylee to smile during this series of pictures was to let their feet graze my belly as I was pushing them. For some reason one’s grown daddy or uncle making an “oof” face and crossing his eyes is comedic gold. Can’t help myself sometimes. See this image larger. 19:58:222009-07-11 19:58:22June 2009 Ohio Trip, Part V
In what is probably going to be a moment that little Ian will carry with him until the next time he gets to see his cousins, Connor teaches Ian the importance of follow-through. See this image larger.
The speed of this kid has done nothing but impress me. Well ok, it has also made me very tired, and old. But yeah, impressive little man! See this image larger.
Melissa and Melanie’s Uncle Jim dropped off some presents for the little ones; here Grampa Ray kindly lends a hand in opening a nice set of Matchbox cars. See this image larger.
*Sorry Daddy, Thomas is full at the moment, you’ll have to come back later.* See this image larger.
Ian apologizes to Kaylee for playing a little rough while establishing which part of her swingset belonged to him. See this image larger.
Earlier in the week Mr. Brandon taught Ian to give a thumbs up, and say “sweeeeeet.” Ian showed off this talent to his cousins while still in Ohio. See this image larger.
Aunt Melanie tasked me with getting a picture of all three of the kids smiling. This is maybe about as close as I got this night… See this image larger.
Looks like we’re still going pretty long on photos!!! I’ll continue the same day (the 28th) in Part V! 23:15:262009-07-10 23:15:26June 2009 Ohio Trip, Part IV
We awoke Sunday, the 28th, to discover we were still completely out of energy. Melissa still on bedrest, and me there to watch her… the Orr reunion could happen without us. That’s what pictures are for!
I just know somebody said to Ian “Eat your Cheerios over on on the linoleum so that you don’t make a mess on the carpet.” He got half of it right, I guess… See this image larger.
Ian dines on some of the traditional Orr reunion delicacies, with his favorite cousins and Grandma Barb! See this image larger.
The day isn’t over yet, but I’ll save the rest of the pictures for next entry… cya soon! 22:30:102009-07-09 22:30:10June 2009 Ohio Trip, Part III
June 2009 Ohio Trip, Part V
The final part of the 28th, I’m hoping to get some baeball video up for the “epilogue.” We shall see, big deadlines for Daddy this next week. Have patience please!
June 2009 Ohio Trip, Part IV
The latter half of the 28th, which was the Sunday of our extended weekend… Are you ready for a image avalanche? Gooooooo!
Looks like we’re still going pretty long on photos!!! I’ll continue the same day (the 28th) in Part V!
June 2009 Ohio Trip, Part III
We awoke Sunday, the 28th, to discover we were still completely out of energy. Melissa still on bedrest, and me there to watch her… the Orr reunion could happen without us. That’s what pictures are for!
The day isn’t over yet, but I’ll save the rest of the pictures for next entry… cya soon!