I don’t remember what this conversation was about, but now it looks like Grampa Dave is trying to explain to Ian that he might have to go home pretty soon. See this image larger.
… and one more delicious breakfast! Then we drove on home! Thanks a lot Grampa Dave and Gramma Marcia, we had a great time, and are all looking forward to coming back as soon as possible! See this image larger.
Some cottage video, next entry!
https://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svg00vrbfwhttps://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svgvrbfw2009-07-27 18:50:172009-07-27 18:50:17Fawn Island, July 2008, Part II
Before we begin this entry I want to give a quick update about newbaby… we went to the doctor today and everything appears to be normal and healthy. We heard a heartbeat, the baby moved around a bit, and we scheduled an ultrasound for next month. Another doctor’s appointment in two weeks.
Ok, so it has been a busy week, which is generally a good thing. Monday wasn’t so great, I admit, because Ian sort of had to come down off of his awesome weekend “high.” We were both pretty exhausted with each other by the end of the day. I think he might also be dealing with a cold. But the rest of this “busy” week came with good news on the job front — it looks like I’ll be getting my position back with the company I worked for out in Kansas. They got a new grant and need a programmer, and here I am. It isn’t fantastic money, but it is a nice supplemental income. I’ll be doing freelance on the side. Speaking of which I have a couple of freelance gigs on the horizon. I’ve been wheelin’ and dealin’.
Amusing things that Ian has said recently:
“Want the whole, big cookie.” (hopefully to be seen in a video here soon, a little bite of cookie was simply not enough.)
“Come on IN!” (said with the lilt of 1950’s TV mom.)
“Dog cookies for Co-Co.” (This took place up at the island. Cocoa is Pat and Erik’s dog that is sometimes up there — how he remembered Cocoa’s name, I have no idea.)
Sunday morning up at the cottage, Grandma Marcia offered Ian a piece of a breakfast cinnamon cake – and he accepted. Marcia then had to do the usual Ian set-up of putting a plastic mat on the floor, getting out a plate, cutting him a piece, etc… Ian looked over at Grampa Dave and said “Grampa Dave, what happened to my cake?!?” (I guess Ian’s way of saying that this was taking too long… but don’t worry Grandma, there’s no such thing as “early enough” when it comes to cake and Ian.)
“You not liffning” (that’s “you’re not listening,” said to Melissa.)
…and a host of others. You can have a full-fledged multi-subject conversation with this kid now. Heck, sometimes he has one with himself. I jsut wish I could get some of these recorded.
Here’s how the cottage trip went: We arrived the evening of the 17th to a swarm of mosquitoes attacking us in the parking lot! This turned out to be the only even slightly bad thing that happened over the weekend… Everybody had a good time, and Ian was basically an angel. We’ll start the pictures and our coverage of Fawn Island July 2008 on Saturday morning… See this image larger.
Remember the foam pad letters from the last visit to Fawn Island? Somebody who shall remain un-named (Grampa Dave) convinced Ian that the “C” was his helmet. See this image larger.
The “L” also made a good golf club, and looky there, the “T” made a nice… well.. “Tee!” See this image larger.
A big loop of letter-pads and a little guard rail, and a racetrack came to life. See this image larger.
Saftey “C” helmet in place, Ian drags his mommy to her appropriate spot. If I haven’t mentioned it, I love Melissa’s hair this way. It seems to look nice under any circumstances! See this image larger.
Gramma Marcia made ribs on Saturday night that were excellent — but we figured Ian would have no part of them, being a picky eater. But he surprised us all by shoving a rib in his mouth, gnawing for awhile, and pulling out am empty bone. He repeated this for 4 or 5 ribs! You bet he got a dessert cookie as a reward! See this image larger.
Grandma Marcia and Grampa Dave read Ian bedtime stories, and he went to bed a very happy camper! (Now he even has his “own” room at the cottage too! [Don’t get too used to it kiddo, share-time starts this winter!]) See this image larger.
It had rained a good portion of the evening on Saturday, but let up just as the sun was going down for a spectacular (at times double) rainbow! Too beautiful! See this image larger.
More to come in a day or two!
https://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svg00vrbfwhttps://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svgvrbfw2009-07-25 14:08:042009-07-25 14:08:04Fawn Island, July 2008, Part I
On the 15th of July, Miss Preggo over there (pointing to Melissa) had a hankerin’ for IHOP for dinner. Ian had little or no recollection of the few times we’ve had breakfast food for dinner, but he fully approved. See this image larger.
Excitement built as he started seeing pictures of pancakes on the menu and walls. When the waitress arrived he said “I want pancakes!” Of course as Melissa ordered her own food Ian decided he wanted that as well. You can hear that clip by clicking here. He also went out of his way to thank everybody for everything, even the hostess that seated us. See this image larger.
I didn’t take a picture of the pancake when it arrived, but it was the size of a flattened beach ball, had a whipped cream nose, strawberry eyes, and banana slices for a mouth. Ian destroyed it over time, sometimes a nibble here or there, sometimes eagerly hefting great hand-sized slabs. (Which we would try to take from him and help him cut down to size… “small bites” is the newest lesson we’re trying to teach him.) See this image larger.
And then it was gone. Alas Smiley-Face Pancake, we hardly knew ye. But ye were sweet and delicious and remembered fondly ye will be. See this image larger.
https://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svg00vrbfwhttps://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svgvrbfw2009-07-18 18:24:112009-07-18 18:24:11July Catch Up, Part IV
Fawn Island, July 2008, Part II
On to the Sunday part of our weekend, this was the 19th of July.
Some cottage video, next entry!
Fawn Island, July 2008, Part I
Before we begin this entry I want to give a quick update about newbaby… we went to the doctor today and everything appears to be normal and healthy. We heard a heartbeat, the baby moved around a bit, and we scheduled an ultrasound for next month. Another doctor’s appointment in two weeks.
Ok, so it has been a busy week, which is generally a good thing. Monday wasn’t so great, I admit, because Ian sort of had to come down off of his awesome weekend “high.” We were both pretty exhausted with each other by the end of the day. I think he might also be dealing with a cold. But the rest of this “busy” week came with good news on the job front — it looks like I’ll be getting my position back with the company I worked for out in Kansas. They got a new grant and need a programmer, and here I am. It isn’t fantastic money, but it is a nice supplemental income. I’ll be doing freelance on the side. Speaking of which I have a couple of freelance gigs on the horizon. I’ve been wheelin’ and dealin’.
Amusing things that Ian has said recently:
Here’s how the cottage trip went:
We arrived the evening of the 17th to a swarm of mosquitoes attacking us in the parking lot! This turned out to be the only even slightly bad thing that happened over the weekend… Everybody had a good time, and Ian was basically an angel. We’ll start the pictures and our coverage of Fawn Island July 2008 on Saturday morning… See this image larger.
More to come in a day or two!
July Catch Up, Part IV