Getting very close to Halloween, so Seth wanted to acknowledge his black kitty origins and wish you all a scary Halloween. (*Fish or treat!*) He’s doing better, by the way. See this image larger.
Don’t jump on the bed with your tongue out or you’ll get a surprise you won’t like! See this image larger.
My favorite shot of the bunch, look at his feet! He’s getting some air! Cute face too, worth taking a closer look via this link -> See this image larger.
October 19th, Ian and I spend the day together and the usual mischief ensues. I couldn’t get him to wear clothes, but he would wear his oddball glasses… that’s picture worthy. See this image larger.
If he’s planning his next golf shot, I might owe Mr. Justin next door a new truck window. Probably not with his current ammunition of ping pong balls, however. See this image larger.
*Yes, I’m still taking pictures, Ian. Could you pose and try to make it look dramatic?* See this image larger.
This ball, later found somewhere off the coast of Australia by a professional diving team, had no idea that Ian’s Dragon Kung Fu swing was considerably more deadly than his Tiger Kung Fu swing. See this image larger.
I faked a big-wheel injury here, earning a great big genuine smile. See this image larger.
This has potential for the cover of Ian’s first country album. It was around here that Mommy came home. He left the big wheel behind and ran as fast as he could back to our driveway! See this image larger.
Where he gave her a big ol’ hug of happiness! “Wewcome home, Mommy!” See this image larger. 23:12:062009-10-26 23:12:06Another Fun Monday
EDIT – Random updates: Today Ian got slightly back on potty training track… We asked him if he needed to go, up he went, I got him on the toilet, and everything worked out just fine! Hurray!!!
Unfortunately he is able to point out a Taco Bell just by the signage, etc.
When we play our chasing game, instead of following or running away from me in a circle, he’s taken to changing direction or taking a short-cut.
Here’s a few more pictures in October…
October 12, and it is a Monday with Ian… we watched videos in the office for awhile. He likes to watch Connor and Kaylee videos as well as a few of his own. See this image larger.
At the library later that day, Ian gave the computers a whirl. He played a game starring Clifford, the big red dog. See this image larger.
October 16, my two boys in the office, chillin’ together. The bruise on Ian’s forehead is from the examination table at the pet emergency hospital. Bonk. See this image larger.
October 18th, a Sunday — we had really been hoping for an Ian nap, which we didn’t get. With work as it is for Melissa and I right now, it is amazing how screwed up things get if Ian misses his nap window. He needs the time to rest. We need that time to catch up on work, on the weekends and especially Mondays and Tuesdays. And he’s been missing it on a regular basis, unfortunately. (The day this was written (Saturday) I really tried to wear him out, and still no nap. The day this was posted (Sunday) Melissa went into his room and slept on the bed next to him, and he zonked out, following her example. Up until that point it had been a whole lot of crying instead of sleeping!) See this image larger.
What happened here, you ask? Well… we got to try out a new restaurant around Ian’s sleepy head. He missed his normal nap time, and fell asleep in the car on the way to go eat later that evening. See this image larger. 14:01:282009-10-25 14:01:28Meanwhile, Closer to the Present…
Boojama Time!
Another Fun Monday
Meanwhile, Closer to the Present…
EDIT – Random updates: Today Ian got slightly back on potty training track… We asked him if he needed to go, up he went, I got him on the toilet, and everything worked out just fine! Hurray!!!
Unfortunately he is able to point out a Taco Bell just by the signage, etc.
When we play our chasing game, instead of following or running away from me in a circle, he’s taken to changing direction or taking a short-cut.
Here’s a few more pictures in October…