Someday I’ll have to tell you the whole story from the beginning.
For now, let’s just say it all has worked out, and mommy and daughter are safely back at home.
Nina was born on Christmas day, December 25th, 2009, at 10:54am. I’ll tell the rest of the “short” version of the story in pictures –
Just after her water broke, Melissa and I figured it would be a good idea to finally take at least one belly shot during her pregnancy. (So busy!) We drove as fast as we were able, with a sheet of ice covering much of the Rockford area. See this image larger.
Melissa and I pondered names on the way to the hospital, and just before. In thanks for giving us a Christmas baby, we considered the name “Noel” as a first or middle name, but were not necessarily sure. This is the number plate for our delivery room — the little “noel” tag helped seal the deal. See this image larger.
Again, the full story will be available soon, so I’ll just skip to the good stuff. Here she is, born at 10:54am. See this image larger.
Nina Noel Chapman (Nina = “Little girl” and Noel = “Born on Christmas day.”) weighed in at 6lbs and 14oz. For those of you who don’t remember, Ian weighed a bit more, as seen in this similar picture. See this image larger.
She’s 20.5″ in length — thank you to the nurse for suggesting this picture, I was sort of out of it. See this image larger.
This is a certificate that recognizes Nina’s accomplishment: Her feet do indeed turn black when dipped in ink. Also of note, she has a super-hero power that allows her to use said foot like a printing press. See this image larger.
Ian sort of whimpered into the world, but long before this ice-cold stethoscope was pressed lightly into her warm chest, Nina bellowed her arrival to anybody within 2 rooms away. See this image larger.
This dog is from his first Christmas… it has taken on the persona of “Dug” from Up. If you haven’t seen the movie Up, you owe it to yourself to see it, if for nothing else for Pixar’s masterful animation of a cartoon dog. See this image larger. 00:12:382009-12-25 00:12:38The Rest of November 2009, Part III
Welcome Nina Noel Chapman!
Someday I’ll have to tell you the whole story from the beginning.
For now, let’s just say it all has worked out, and mommy and daughter are safely back at home.
Nina was born on Christmas day, December 25th, 2009, at 10:54am. I’ll tell the rest of the “short” version of the story in pictures –
Many, many more pictures to come — this entry just covers the delivery room!
Merry Christmas
3:15am – Twas the morning of Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring except our baby girl, apparently.
3:00am – Water broke. On way to hospital probably in a few hours.
So much for the quiet Christmas at home, eh?
The Rest of November 2009, Part III
Finally a smattering of other pictures… I believe these are from November 29th…