So much stuff is happening with Nina and her heart right now that I honestly don’t have the focus or emotional fortitude to keep up the blog. There will be at least a temporary pause. There’s nothing worse than getting bad news and then having to write about it. Suffice to say we’re doing our best to cope. 09:07:072010-01-01 09:07:07On Hold
Finally the morning of the 27th dawned, and it was time for Nina to come home. See this image larger.
I remember this part with Ian as well… the clock strikes the time at which you should be allowed to go home, and you have to wait for somebody to check you out and tell you things. See this image larger.
With Ian I think I packed up my camera and un-packed it a few times. With Nina I kept it out until the last minute. See this image larger.
…and home. This is not the first time Ian saw his little sister, nor the first time he touched her — but it did look like the first time he understood a little bit about what was truly going on here. Love this picture. See this image larger.
If you’re just arriving, please scroll way down and start at the first part of this story, we have plenty of photos. In fact, you might want to consider getting yourself a beverage and a package of chips while the pictures load.
We moved from the delivery room over to the recovery room, exhausted; especially Melissa, who was a complete champ. Another delivery with no drugs! See this image larger.
Not too long after Melissa’s water broke (3am) we called Grampa Dave and Grandma Marcia (5am) and asked them to come to Rockford a little sooner than they had planned, for Christmas. I’ll tell it all in the long version of the story, but wow, do we owe them a great many thanks! This picture is still later on delivery day, the 25th… See this image larger.
We’re all smiles that our little girl is safe and sound. Ian’s initial reaction was one of excitement, curiosity, and maybe a little fear. Marcia was happy as a clam, and you should have seen her keep up with Ian! See this image larger.
One of the outfits that Aunt Leslie sent to us happened to be a “baby’s first Christmas” one-piece… so we HAD to try it on her for this photo opportunity later on Christmas day. You can start to see her head changing shape a little here. You might even see a slight resemblance to Ian if you squint and pretend she’s bald. See this image larger.
I came home for dinner (Marcia saved me from hospital food!) on the 25th, so that Ian wouldn’t feel abandoned by his parents, and then turned around and went back to the hospital to sleep in the cot next to Melissa’s. On the 26th I came home for a little bit, and we drove as two cars over to the hospital again. Here Ian tries on Grampa Dave’s boots — turns out they’re a little large. See this image larger.
Finally our little family is more or less complete. Collect us all! See this image larger.
*So uh, she doesn’t like… make this noise all the time or anything, right?* (Thanks Gpa Dave for that caption.) See this image larger.
Grandma Marcia enjoys her new grand-daughter, who demands a high-five! See this image larger.
Quite possibly the bravest woman on Earth holds tight to a Christmas present that surprised us all. See this image larger.
Ian was very alert within about a week of coming home, or maybe a few days. This little girl seems to be tracking things right out of the gate. Here she gives Grampa Dave a peep. See this image larger.
It is hard enough to keep a child entertained and happy at a hospital… Ian did pretty good under the circumstances! Here Ian finds Grampa Dave in a hallway. See this image larger.
Grandma Marcia has been a brilliant help with Ian — here she gives us another much-needed five minutes. See this image larger.
Ian has this look on his face – “Level with me here… I’m in trouble, right?” See this image larger.
It is shocking the number of changes her face has gone through in the handful of days that she’s been alive. Her facial features are rounding and softening. At the beginning of all of this, she didn’t look like Ian much at all, but I’m really starting to see a resemblance now. Here I’m studying those changes. See this image larger.
Ok, now THAT is a cute baby. Do I need to draw a halo above that head, or can you see it in your imagination too? See this image larger.
All of us spent some serious time making sure Ian understood what was going on with his new sister, and Ian was an incredible trooper. See this image larger.
Here Melissa explains that there is no love lost with our little man. See this image larger.
Coming home in the evening yet again helped Ian not feel as abandoned by his parents, and gave Melissa time to bond with little Nina back at the hospital… I also got a chance to sleep, which could come in handy in the days to follow. See this image larger.
And obviously some quality time with Grampa Dave and Grandma Marcia is its own reward! See this image larger. 21:49:522009-12-27 21:49:52Nina Noel, Part II: When Ian met Nina
On Hold
So much stuff is happening with Nina and her heart right now that I honestly don’t have the focus or emotional fortitude to keep up the blog. There will be at least a temporary pause. There’s nothing worse than getting bad news and then having to write about it. Suffice to say we’re doing our best to cope.
Nina Noel, Part III: Homecoming
Nina Noel, Part II: When Ian met Nina
If you’re just arriving, please scroll way down and start at the first part of this story, we have plenty of photos. In fact, you might want to consider getting yourself a beverage and a package of chips while the pictures load.