On April 17th, Grandma Sue arrived at the Grand Rapids airport, met by Ian and I at the gate. It was a lovely visit that I myself still feel a little bad about, because I had to pay attention to a very important deadline, and missed out on much of Grandma Sue’s stay. In the same way that I’ve been missing out on bits and pieces of everything, really. Thus I don’t have as many pics of Grandma Sue with the kids as I would have liked, but these things happen. As you can tell, I only recently surfaced from all that work, so that lasted far beyond the deadline during her stay. Anyway, here’s a glimpse into some of the fun while she was hanging out in Rockford.
Can Nina lift her head during belly time? Well, we’ve already seen that she does alright, right? See this image larger.
And sometimes she does spectacular. (Look at this one bigger, if you can…) See this image larger.
Somewhere along the way, Nina got attached to this little doll… it isn’t quite as much of a necessity as a zooey/pacifier but she’s got a smile for that dolly just about every time. See this image larger.
She’s still doing great on weight-gain/eating. If she looks a little pudgy here, we couldn’t be happier. See this image larger.
The sleeping beauties. Are these not the most innocent of cherubs? The answer to that is “While they’re sleeping, absolutely.” 😉 This one’s worth a closer look as well… See this image larger.
Grandma Sue talks to Uncle Chris via Xbox 360; what you see before you is how my sibling and I communicate the most these days, via game. Which is awesome! See this image larger.
Now is a great time to mention that Grandma Sue put in some serious hours with Ian and Nina. She worked very hard to give us time to do the things that have been piling up. Ian looks pretty happy about it too, doesn’t he? 🙂 See this image larger.
April 13th, Ian removed a cushion from the couch, and laid down in the spot where the cushion was not. Two separate actions, really. If he’d had another 10 calories to burn he’d have made it to the cushion side, I think. See this image larger.
It looks like all of these were taken around that date. I can’t tell if this is cute or “No speaky engrish.” See this image larger.
Meanwhile, on “The Bathtub Deck” Nina flirts with the wait staff and orders a vodka martini. (So cute!) See this image larger.
I helped Ian build that helicopter back there. You can open a door and put somebody inside of it. He thought it was the coolest thing ever. He’s really great with legos though. I’m not sure if I shared this story or not, but apparently one of his teachers sends the other kids to him when they want an airplane built. He built them for most of the class. See this image larger.
I should probably animate this picture and the next one so that they go back and forth. See this image larger.
Does anybody else think Ian should take over for that red-haired creep on CSI-Miami? Looking at this pic, I can almost hear the bad pun, followed by YEAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! The Thomas pajamas would probably have to go, but we can negotiate wardrobe after salary. See this image larger.
https://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svg00vrbfwhttps://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svgvrbfw2010-05-09 00:03:072010-05-09 00:03:072010’s Missing Pictures, Part III
Last night Ian counted bunnies on the back of a book properly… as in, pointing to each character and assigning them a digit. “One…” “…Two!” And the two had a sense of finality to it, so this felt a little different than his usual counting, in which he points all over the page and counts to ten, regardless of the number of characters. To be sure, I turned the book over and showed him the other two bunnies. He counted them. I then opened the book so that both covers could be seen, and he counted to four. This morning he looked on the back of his cereal box and perfectly counted the six characters on the back of the box, pointing a finger at each, with the last number given that same sound of finality. Awesome! Just to be clear, he’s been reciting numbers for a good long time. Now he’s actually taking a true census of whatever it is he’s counting.
This morning Ian woke up dry, was directed to the bathroom, and he peed in the potty! Same thing happened after breakfast!! We’re showering him in praise and even a little bit of candy so that he knows he’s doing the right thing. You go, kiddo!
EDIT – UPDATE – Ian peed in the potty again later in the day, and then actually did a 1 AND 2 combo after that!!! Four for four!!! AWESOME!!! (If you’re wondering when this turn around happened I mentioned it a few days ago, and I will mention it again a couple entries from now.)
EDIT – UPDATE – And another pee… Five for five!
EDIT – UPDATE – And another poop… Six for six!
https://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svg00vrbfwhttps://outoftheirminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ootmd-logo-dark-wings-3Asset-15.svgvrbfw2010-05-08 09:38:182010-05-08 09:38:18So How’d That Turn Out, Part II
Grandma Sue’s April 2010 Visit
On April 17th, Grandma Sue arrived at the Grand Rapids airport, met by Ian and I at the gate. It was a lovely visit that I myself still feel a little bad about, because I had to pay attention to a very important deadline, and missed out on much of Grandma Sue’s stay. In the same way that I’ve been missing out on bits and pieces of everything, really. Thus I don’t have as many pics of Grandma Sue with the kids as I would have liked, but these things happen. As you can tell, I only recently surfaced from all that work, so that lasted far beyond the deadline during her stay. Anyway, here’s a glimpse into some of the fun while she was hanging out in Rockford.
EDIT – I’m putting together a video or two for the next couple of entries, so there might be a day or two of delay before the next entry.
2010’s Missing Pictures, Part III
So How’d That Turn Out, Part II
Last night Ian counted bunnies on the back of a book properly… as in, pointing to each character and assigning them a digit. “One…” “…Two!” And the two had a sense of finality to it, so this felt a little different than his usual counting, in which he points all over the page and counts to ten, regardless of the number of characters. To be sure, I turned the book over and showed him the other two bunnies. He counted them. I then opened the book so that both covers could be seen, and he counted to four. This morning he looked on the back of his cereal box and perfectly counted the six characters on the back of the box, pointing a finger at each, with the last number given that same sound of finality. Awesome! Just to be clear, he’s been reciting numbers for a good long time. Now he’s actually taking a true census of whatever it is he’s counting.
This morning Ian woke up dry, was directed to the bathroom, and he peed in the potty! Same thing happened after breakfast!! We’re showering him in praise and even a little bit of candy so that he knows he’s doing the right thing. You go, kiddo!
EDIT – UPDATE – Ian peed in the potty again later in the day, and then actually did a 1 AND 2 combo after that!!! Four for four!!! AWESOME!!! (If you’re wondering when this turn around happened I mentioned it a few days ago, and I will mention it again a couple entries from now.)
EDIT – UPDATE – And another pee… Five for five!
EDIT – UPDATE – And another poop… Six for six!