So Ian’s accident-free streak lasted a little over a week. He woke up Monday morning in a big puddle, and Tuesday after I asked him three times if he needed to go (met with a “no!”) he suddenly said “I’m PEEING!” And I discovered I can still move pretty quickly. I won the race against my opponents “gravity” and “wicking.” But anyway, back to the topic at hand… A week of no accidents after only really being at it for a few days, I figure that’s pretty awesome! Even on those days where he has had an accident, it has been ONE accident… that means somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-10 successes for that day. Go kiddo!
Nina now has a cold, and has been taken to the doctor by Melissa. She already seems to be doing a little better, but we’ll see. Nothing too big to worry about yet, we’re keeping a careful eye on her.
And that’s pretty much the news, let’s see some pics!
May 3rd, and Mommy has brought Nina to the dinner table so she can see what’s going on. And what is going on? Well, it turns out we’re a bunch of goofballs, more or less. See this image larger.
Melissa and I have both started noticing Nina’s appreciation for solid food. She hasn’t had any yet, but she keeps looking at it with a great deal of desire. Might be time to start her on it… soon. See this image larger.
Beauty rest! (You’ll want to click on this link to make this image big -> ) See this image larger.
She’s already practicing her “who me?” face with the batting eyelashes. Aaaaand I’m already falling for it. See this image larger.
May 2nd, pretty much the last sticker to go on the potty chart, if not THE last sticker. See this image larger.
Loooove this picture. Truly a proud and happy boy, with good reason to feel that way. Probably the last picture taken of Ian in diapers, but who knows. Worth a closer look if you feel like clicking this link -> See this image larger.
Before the successes of last week, there was a turning point in Ian. I think our little man has had to watch attention get lavished over Nina… being born, getting sick and being in the hospital, the coddling of grandparents, feeding off of Mommy. I can’t be absolutely sure, but I thought I heard it on the way to daycare one morning.
Daddy – You know what happens next week kiddo, right?
Ian – No.
Daddy – Nina goes to school with you buddy. She’ll be in her own classroom, but she’ll start going to school too.
Ian – Nina goes to school with me?
Daddy -Yup she’ll be in her own class, but same school, down the hall. You know where the babies are down the hallway? That’s where she’ll be. And Mommy or Daddy will drop you both off when we go to work.
Ian – Oooo.
In that “Oooo” was this odd sound of relief mixed with understanding. I can’t possibly imitate it, but I swear I could hear “My parents aren’t shipping me away for days at a time so they can hang out with Nina after all!!!” While he’s still a challenging three year old from time to time, his attitude did seem to get a lot better once he had this understanding. It seems like those stretches where he’s an angel have gotten longer. His patience a little better.
So that week he was showing signs of an approaching milestone, but we still had no idea what the heck was going on the morning Nina officially went to daycare, when he asked for big-boy underwear. I told you about his successes that week: Wednesday 1 success, Thursday no successes, Friday two successes, Saturday success all day, Sunday 1 accident, and then, literally NO accidents since Sunday the 9th, some 4 days ago. We’ve had diapers on him at night, but he has yet to wet or soil them. He just wakes up in the morning and has to go.
On Wednesday I helped Melissa drop off the kids because I really wanted to see what everybody’s reaction would be. Last they had known he’d had two meager successes. While they weren’t as excited as I thought they’d be, Ian proved that he has what it takes by marching to the potty that very moment, and afterwards bumping Melissa out of the way and washing his hands. When Melissa picked him up that day he went potty again – he ran off over to their little porta-potty thing, he peed, emptied the bowl in the toilet, then rinsed it in the sink, and put it back. The caregiver there looked surprised about the rinsing part and said “we don’t train them to do that…” She wasn’t mad, she was wondering where Ian learned this part of the process. (I think that might be my fault, but let’s not dwell on it, the important thing is he was following a process.) After another successful day at school, Ian came home, and went potty – we hopped in Melissa’s car and had a celebratory dinner… which was followed by another activity and another… the whole time I’m wondering if Ian would make it home. He did just fine. It is now 11:30pm, and about an hour ago Ian actually got up out of bed twice, asking to go potty. Neither of these were false alarms. As the caregiver at daycare said “Night and day difference.”
I’d be ignorant to say that Ian is this amazing new child that behaves perfectly all the time. He’s not. But I’d be just as ignorant if I said I failed to see a difference in him. His smile is a little more confident. He is proud, and happy that we are proud. See this image larger. 22:12:262010-05-13 22:12:26Potty Training Awesomeness Continues…
May Flowers
So Ian’s accident-free streak lasted a little over a week. He woke up Monday morning in a big puddle, and Tuesday after I asked him three times if he needed to go (met with a “no!”) he suddenly said “I’m PEEING!” And I discovered I can still move pretty quickly. I won the race against my opponents “gravity” and “wicking.” But anyway, back to the topic at hand… A week of no accidents after only really being at it for a few days, I figure that’s pretty awesome! Even on those days where he has had an accident, it has been ONE accident… that means somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-10 successes for that day. Go kiddo!
Nina now has a cold, and has been taken to the doctor by Melissa. She already seems to be doing a little better, but we’ll see. Nothing too big to worry about yet, we’re keeping a careful eye on her.
And that’s pretty much the news, let’s see some pics!
April turns to May…
Here’s a quick run of photos to catch us up.
More to come shortly…
Did you all know that May 4th is unofficially Star Wars day? Didn’t know that? People say “May the Fourth be with you.” Sadly I’m not kidding.
Potty Training Awesomeness Continues…
Before the successes of last week, there was a turning point in Ian. I think our little man has had to watch attention get lavished over Nina… being born, getting sick and being in the hospital, the coddling of grandparents, feeding off of Mommy. I can’t be absolutely sure, but I thought I heard it on the way to daycare one morning.
In that “Oooo” was this odd sound of relief mixed with understanding. I can’t possibly imitate it, but I swear I could hear “My parents aren’t shipping me away for days at a time so they can hang out with Nina after all!!!” While he’s still a challenging three year old from time to time, his attitude did seem to get a lot better once he had this understanding. It seems like those stretches where he’s an angel have gotten longer. His patience a little better.
So that week he was showing signs of an approaching milestone, but we still had no idea what the heck was going on the morning Nina officially went to daycare, when he asked for big-boy underwear. I told you about his successes that week: Wednesday 1 success, Thursday no successes, Friday two successes, Saturday success all day, Sunday 1 accident, and then, literally NO accidents since Sunday the 9th, some 4 days ago. We’ve had diapers on him at night, but he has yet to wet or soil them. He just wakes up in the morning and has to go.
On Wednesday I helped Melissa drop off the kids because I really wanted to see what everybody’s reaction would be. Last they had known he’d had two meager successes. While they weren’t as excited as I thought they’d be, Ian proved that he has what it takes by marching to the potty that very moment, and afterwards bumping Melissa out of the way and washing his hands. When Melissa picked him up that day he went potty again – he ran off over to their little porta-potty thing, he peed, emptied the bowl in the toilet, then rinsed it in the sink, and put it back. The caregiver there looked surprised about the rinsing part and said “we don’t train them to do that…” She wasn’t mad, she was wondering where Ian learned this part of the process. (I think that might be my fault, but let’s not dwell on it, the important thing is he was following a process.) After another successful day at school, Ian came home, and went potty – we hopped in Melissa’s car and had a celebratory dinner… which was followed by another activity and another… the whole time I’m wondering if Ian would make it home. He did just fine. It is now 11:30pm, and about an hour ago Ian actually got up out of bed twice, asking to go potty. Neither of these were false alarms. As the caregiver at daycare said “Night and day difference.”