Chilling out and airing out her toes! So long Fawn Island, Gramma and Grampa, we’ll see you again soon! See this image larger. 09:11:142010-07-09 09:11:14May Trip to Fawn Island, Part II
I am praying that our May excursion isn’t our only trip up to the Island this year! Things are so busy right now it is looking like it’ll be August before we can even attempt trip #2! Anyway, here’s some pictures!
May 29th – Arrival at the island! This is Nina’s first trip! Ian looks sad, but I’m not always willing to bribe him with candy for a smile. See this image larger.
Look at the satisfaction in that little smile… I don’t think wild horses could tear Ian away from this lap and book. See this image larger.
This shot originally came in quite dark, and I didn’t think much of it until I lightened it up, and could really see everybody’s faces. So cute! See this image larger.
*cough cough* (Important to catch all these moments, don’t you think?) See this image larger. 09:50:542010-07-08 09:50:54May Trip to Fawn Island, Part I
May 13th – Ian grabs a gummy bear sundae from Coldstone as another reward for potty training perfection! See this image larger.
May 18th – After a long winter Ian asked me to build him a boat, as he was jonsing for a trip up to Fawn Island to see Grandpa Dave and Grandma Marcia… and a real boat ride! See this image larger.
The steering wheel came from a truck toy off the port bow, and an ottoman made up the captain’s chair! See this image larger.
This could never replace the real thing, but judging by that grin, Ian and I had come up with a pretty good temporary solution. Nina can be seen in her dingy, to starboard.See this image larger.
May 25th – This is really only the second time in his life that he has fallen asleep at the table. I got a nice video of this as well as he conked out. See this image larger. 08:47:382010-07-07 08:47:38More May
May Trip to Fawn Island, Part II
May Trip to Fawn Island, Part I
I am praying that our May excursion isn’t our only trip up to the Island this year! Things are so busy right now it is looking like it’ll be August before we can even attempt trip #2! Anyway, here’s some pictures!
More May